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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Spammers getting creative...


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Now we can't ignore them anymore.


They are parking multiple toons with the WEBSITE name as character names..


And... GREETING everyone non-stop. So they are flooding fleet chat near the spawn points.

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Someone /greets and you're forced to read and mentally acknowledge the name? :confused: I'm not saying spam is not annoying, but it's not like we can't just ignore it and /ignore it.


These emotes show up so often that if you're reading or engaging in a discussion on the fleet, those emote spams will easily be 1/3 of what's going on there. Even if you don't acknowledge the name, it's still annoying.

Furthermore, /ignore does not mute emotes.


Haven't seen this, so you are telling me unchecking emotes from the chat won't hide this?


It will, along with all the emotes you might want to see.

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These emotes show up so often that if you're reading or engaging in a discussion on the fleet, those emote spams will easily be 1/3 of what's going on there. Even if you don't acknowledge the name, it's still annoying.

Furthermore, /ignore does not mute emotes.

Again, I'm not saying BWEA should not do something, but unless and until they do, there is the option of making a chat tab without emotes. But yeah, emote text should be /ignorable. Players who are not gold spammers use emotes to annoy others they know have /ignored them.

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Again, I'm not saying BWEA should not do something, but unless and until they do, there is the option of making a chat tab without emotes. But yeah, emote text should be /ignorable. Players who are not gold spammers use emotes to annoy others they know have /ignored them.



Agreed I remove emotes from general when people spam their emotes over and over, this was before gold spammers used it to say welcome, because ignore stupidly does not hide character's emotes.


I have the general tab, other, and guild usually with guild not showing general, general not showing system feedback and sometimes emotes if I encountered an emote spammer on that character.


I go to whatever tab has the information I care to see at the time. I don't see how people can deal with one tab and the information we get in the game, item sold for this, npc companion jibbers about that, chat text, etc.


This usage of emotes seems to be worse for the RP community than anyone else.

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I'm pretty sure I can continue to ignore them. Let me check.




Well, you clearly couldn't ignore this thread.


That explains why I see ...... sits down.


bows to ######.


shows their moves.


and so forth. I saw a few lines of emotes but didnt see who they belonged to. Someone I had ignored.


AFAIK that happens whenever the one using /emote is stealthed from you. Not completely sure though.

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Well, you clearly couldn't ignore this thread.


I enjoy poking fun at people who get uppity about this. I usually just toggle my Genchat off on Fleet, works wonders. I do agree that /ignore needs to block emotes, but, yeah--I don't see goldspammers as 'AN URGENT ISSUE BIOWARE NEEDS TO ADDRESS NOW'.

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This has a lot more to do with new player retention and a lot less to do with your comfort levels on fleet. Nobody should have to go through the process of messing with a chat tab's default settings to avoid something that could be dealt with, nor should it be considered acceptable behavior on part of the user spamming fleet for whatever reason.


You do not need to get combative with others in this thread. Either offer your suggestion, a counter to it, or move on.


Squelch emotes and your problem is solved.

Edited by -Snakesan-
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Well, you clearly couldn't ignore this thread.




AFAIK that happens whenever the one using /emote is stealthed from you. Not completely sure though.


Ah, well thanks, means could been a stealthed person then. :) Was just surprised when I saw no name sat down or cheered or whatever else they did. Was only a few emotes then done, so wasnt spammed. Must been stealthed only ones on ignore are gold spammers thus far. I doubt they would emote... well... now they do apperently. :)

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This has a lot more to do with new player retention and a lot less to do with your comfort levels on fleet. Nobody should have to go through the process of messing with a chat tab's default settings to avoid something that could be dealt with, nor should it be considered acceptable behavior on part of the user spamming fleet for whatever reason.


You do not need to get combative with others in this thread. Either offer your suggestion, a counter to it, or move on.


Squelch emotes and your problem is solved.



The 'process'?

You can click one button and turn genchat off. :confused:

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That explains why I see ...... sits down.


bows to ######.


shows their moves.


and so forth. I saw a few lines of emotes but didnt see who they belonged to. Someone I had ignored.

If the emoter is within range and the target is just out of range, that's when that happens. If you have the target on ignore and both are within range, you will see "CharacterX slaps IgnorendCharacter."

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