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Guardian on rwz


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Hello Bioware. I have some advice for changing discipline "Vigilance", please unite the effects "Burning Blade" and "Burning Purpose". Because in PVP is almost impossible to distribute all three effects of combustion. In PvE it will not change anything, and facilitate the dissemination of PVP, as other classes much easier to do it.


P.S. These effects alone are so weak the damage in PVP, that they are easier to remove, than to leave in such a form.


Previously i wrote about what needs discipline Vigilance, now I want to tell you what's on my opinion all the disciplines needed guardian. The main problem of the all guardians on rwz is a dots and we need protection from that.

I have a couple of thoughts on this subject:


1. We utility in masterfull - (when we use mass taunt the damage is reduced by 30%. Or create a utility that will give a 30% damage reduction from the dot's)


2. When we use Saberward, we have Blade turning for first 2 second (it give us 100% randge and mili accuracy), make the effect like Dodge (scoundrel) or Resilience (Shadow), he shall be able to purge all negative effects (its may be heroic utility). We already have same utility, but use it absolutely uncomfortable and it does not purge effects from shadows and sages.


P.S. Maybe we should also reconsider same utility for Sentinel. Their Force Camouflage also has the right for cleance all dots with his heroic.

Edited by Arthurfcs
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you do know that vigilance is not a traditional dot spec, in fact the dot's purpose is solely for granting kneeing proc, which adds more burst onto the overhead slash, plasma brand/MS atrike, blade storm combo right? it's a sustained damage...burst spec, which is why it was ahead of focus for awhile. if it isn't still is.
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you do know that vigilance is not a traditional dot spec, in fact the dot's purpose is solely for granting kneeing proc, which adds more burst onto the overhead slash, plasma brand/MS atrike, blade storm combo right? it's a sustained damage...burst spec, which is why it was ahead of focus for awhile. if it isn't still is.

I play for this class from the start, I know this discipline, we would be enough for two dots and the master strike for keening, in terms of damage by one these dots are useless, they just bring down control

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I play for this class from the start, I know this discipline, we would be enough for two dots and the master strike for keening, in terms of damage by one these dots are useless, they just bring down control


Are you willing to give up some of your insane healing to get that? Because you won't get both.

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Previously i wrote about what needs discipline Vigilance, now I want to tell you what's on my opinion all the disciplines needed guardian. The main problem of the all guardians on rwz is a dots and we need protection from that.


u know u can not have a class having everything, dont u? Very good damage, best dcd/utility in game, cc immunity, root immunity, taunt, more passive DR... Now u tell me here is a weakness lets fix it to make it perfect... Really?


Before that it's not just jugg/guardian suffering from dots, sent/mara does, operative/sniper (not virulence though) does, ap pt does, deception also does. Then what about giving sniper some dots protection as they could do much less than a vig jugg in such situation?


Instead of giving jugg some more buffs, imo you need some effort to remove one passive effect: no one wants to focus jugg if there are other targets. In yolo u will see conversation like: "merc first, pt first, mara first, sniper first, tunnel the sorc..." But besides the two stealth classes which are not easy to open with, u will hear something about jugg: "if u focus the jugg, then u r doing wrong."


Two dots kill the jugg? Yeah, it takes 1 minute, where merc has been boiled five times.

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u know u can not have a class having everything, dont u? Very good damage, best dcd/utility in game, cc immunity, root immunity, taunt, more passive DR... Now u tell me here is a weakness lets fix it to make it perfect... Really?


Before that it's not just jugg/guardian suffering from dots, sent/mara does, operative/sniper (not virulence though) does, ap pt does, deception also does. Then what about giving sniper some dots protection as they could do much less than a vig jugg in such situation?


Instead of giving jugg some more buffs, imo you need some effort to remove one passive effect: no one wants to focus jugg if there are other targets. In yolo u will see conversation like: "merc first, pt first, mara first, sniper first, tunnel the sorc..." But besides the two stealth classes which are not easy to open with, u will hear something about jugg: "if u focus the jugg, then u r doing wrong."


Two dots kill the jugg? Yeah, it takes 1 minute, where merc has been boiled five times.


You know that the ac is currently at the bottom in terms of solo q leaderboards, right? In spite of all of those wonderful things you mentioned they have the lowest average rating and the worst top performers. When you just look at characters with at least a few wins (filtering out trolls, really bad gear, etc) the average rating of guardians/juggs just goes down relative to that of every other AC. Either they need more (root immunity) or cc mechanics needs a look or everyone else needs a nerf. While I will say they can be great in random regs (but not in premade-vs-premade), they are bad for 1v1 and solo ranked and (probably) group ranked. They aren't unplayable, mind you - some players make them work - but those same players would likely do better with other ACs.

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You know that the ac is currently at the bottom in terms of solo q leaderboards, right? In spite of all of those wonderful things you mentioned they have the lowest average rating and the worst top performers. When you just look at characters with at least a few wins (filtering out trolls, really bad gear, etc) the average rating of guardians/juggs just goes down relative to that of every other AC. Either they need more (root immunity) or cc mechanics needs a look or everyone else needs a nerf. While I will say they can be great in random regs (but not in premade-vs-premade), they are bad for 1v1 and solo ranked and (probably) group ranked. They aren't unplayable, mind you - some players make them work - but those same players would likely do better with other ACs.


so u r saying there are only 5 ACs in this game ? Remind u Juggs are at 5th if u look at the first 50th, first 100th, or first 250th.


The problem is not juggs are too weak. Like the dot problem it is a general problem, not just for jugg as I said. The source of the problem is not because u dont have dots protection, but the dot spreading mechanism is just too silly IMO. In 4s it might be all right cuz u have healer. In regs u have more chances. But in yolo where 4 dps match occurs most of the time, it just puts too much pressure on the side with less dots spreading. For burst class like mara/sniper/merc/fury jugg, the only option is to burst down target asap to avoid consumed by those countless dots. But unfortunately, if u r fighting sin/sage who know what they are doing, u r very hard to bring them down fast enough.


Similar things apply to slow/root as well. There are just too many root/snare/cc in this game at this point. It is not desirable to adding more slow/root immunity cuz it will further aggravate the life of some other classes that really need it like sniper/merc. Instead dev should be looking to get back some unnecessary root/snare/cc.


So here my point is to improve the things, devs should not look into buffs any more, especially when juggs are perfectly fine with a handful of tools to perform their roles and survive really long enough to get things done. Instead, what they need is to bring those OP classes back.

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so u r saying there are only 5 ACs in this game ? Remind u Juggs are at 5th if u look at the first 50th, first 100th, or first 250th.


I don't see any juggs on the top 50 - what numbers are you looking at? Group ranked? The pool in that is so low as to be statistically irrelevant. The main factor there is team composition, having the right players and arranging the right opponents: individual class balance is much less of a factor in group ranked. In group ranked, with the right players on my team I could dominate most servers running any class in the game - that says nothing about class balance, just the low activity on most servers. It would be more relevant if there was more than a handful of teams running on most servers - in that case classes would make a bigger difference (and juggs would do relatively worse).


On the solo boards there's a sentinel up there on the top 50, operatives, a commando, sins, sorcs, pts - only things that aren't up there are snipers and juggs. But do you know how many snipers there are on the boards compared to juggs? Heck juggs are #3 in popularity and activity, above pts - statistically they should be all over the top 50. But even in the top 100 the best sniper is better than the best jugg.


Far more relevant is the average rating. If the best juggs were doing great and the average rating of juggs was low that would be one thing. But in this case the average rating of juggs is lower than anyone else's. And when you only look at players with several or many games won, the jugg average in that mix just gets comparatively (much) worse.


I'm not screaming for buffs. I haven't even gone out of my way to ask for them. But I am sick of people saying juggs are awesome or easy to rock with or one of the "bestest ever" (they're easy to lose with - every class is easy to lose with). The facts we have available do not support those perceptions. I'm really not interested in anecdotes - I've played on many servers and as much as anyone and I've seen just about everything at one time or another - but I know that my limited window does not get the big picture that even slightly comprehensive stats do.

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Are you willing to give up some of your insane healing to get that? Because you won't get both.

Yesterday I was playing against a team with two sorcs and two assassins, all in dots spec. They no need a skill, they need 3 buttoms, else will make the dots spread. Our super selfheal no matter here, we die very fast with 4 stack of dots and nothing cant give us a chance to win. Guardians need abillity to cleance dots from shadows and sages, or we need remove dots spread from gave, because its killing pvp.

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Yesterday I was playing against a team with two sorcs and two assassins, all in dots spec. They no need a skill, they need 3 buttoms, else will make the dots spread. Our super selfheal no matter here, we die very fast with 4 stack of dots and nothing cant give us a chance to win. Guardians need abillity to cleance dots from shadows and sages, or we need remove dots spread from gave, because its killing pvp.


You need to take into account the terrible match making. You don't balance the game around terrible matchmaking. I agree that spreaded dots are strong, and they should be toned down, but increasing juggernaut survivability even more is ridiculous.

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