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Yavin IV Stronghold Petition to increase the decoration hook cap


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I quite love the Yavin stronghold after seeing the stream but I don't think I will get it.


The main reason I acquired Tatooine was for its size and it's 500 hooks and now there is this vast new stronghold with a maximum of only 485 hooks. Decorators have been asking for more hooks, be it Tatooine or Guild Ships for months now without any reply and now we get this new Yavin stronghold, only to see that it has even less hooks then the Tatooine stronghold....


Bioware always talks about wanting us to decorate as we want, make such wonderful strongholds only to tie our hands.


Since the Pilgrim's shadow pack was released I have found myself having to remove some decorations to make room for others, running out of room to place new acquisitions and feel limited by what I want to do because the hook limit is far, far too low.


From a business perspective I feel this is also a bad call on Bioware's part because this makes me buy a lot less hypercrates now since I constantly run out of decorating room. I just stick to 1 of each decoration to get the prestige. At least from me they are losing out on quite a bit of extra income.


Since there is still some time between the official release of the stronghold it is my sincere hope that they will reconsider the current hook cap and choose to considerably increase it by around 200 hooks.


What are your thoughts on the matter, have you run into similar issues? Do you support an increase of the hook cap?

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I think it's way too early to say whether or not the hook limit is too low. As long as we cannot decorate it ourselves, this is just speculation. Also, don't trust on the hook limit actually being 485. Just because it is this way on the dev server does not mean it will stay this way.


That being said, you cannot compare the Tatooine and Yavin 4 strongholds. While Yavin 4 is similar in size, if not bigger, it also has a lot of free spaces with no hooks, and some of the rooms are already "decorated", like the room with the waterfall, so unlike the blank walls on Tatooine, you don't need to decorate that much to make it look nice.


Let's just be patient and wait how it will be when the stronghold arrives on PTS.

Edited by Jerba
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I think it's way too early to say whether or not the hook limit is too low. As long as we cannot decorate it ourselves, this is just speculation. Also, don't trust on the hook limit actually being 485. Just because it is this way on the dev server does not mean it will stay this way.


That being said, you cannot compare the Tatooine and Yavin 4 strongholds. While Yavin 4 is similar in size, if not bigger, it also has a lot of free spaces with no hooks, and some of the rooms are already "decorated", like the room with the waterfall, so unlike the blank walls on Tatooine, you don't need to decorate that much to make it look nice.


Let's just be patient and wait how it will be when the stronghold arrives on PTS.


I sincerely hope it does not stay this way and the hook limit goes up. It is indeed quite early and nothing is set in stone, and that is exactly why I am raising this issue now because quite frankly once this stronghold is finished, or released I don't see them going back and making changes to it, no matter how many people may make posts about it.


People have been asking for the Tatooine and Flagship hook limit to be raised since they came out, we are still waiting....


I can compare Tatooine and Yavin in a sense that both are large strongholds, and since at least to me Tatooine has far to few hooks to do a proper job decorating it (I would go so far as it being too restrictive in what you can do) I want to make sure the same does not happen with this stronghold, and since it is still being worked on, now is the time to make those changes happen, not when it is released.


Bioware asks for feedback, I am giving mine. And If there are those reading this that agree with me (or disagree for that matter) I urge them to speak up.


As for the room already being "decorated" and not needing much to be nice, that is your opinion and you are welcome to it ofc, I simply do not share it.


If anyone is happy with a minimalistic decor then good on them, but as for me, I'd like the choice to decorate as I wish, not hindered by constantly having to remove items or bumping into obstacles because the hook limit is too low.

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I really, really hope they release hooks in the numbers of 550+


Perhaps we can get a official number soon, I think they said something about that in the DEV stream. It will be important to know if I will buy it or not.


A low hook count is a waste of time of me.

Edited by Icestar
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I definitely think the Yavin 4 Stronghold will need a larger hook count. I ran out of hooks quickly on Dromund kaas and I couldn't show off all of my decors. So I moved to Tat, but I still could not fit in all of the awesome decors I wanted my Tatooine stronghold to achieve. And seeing as the Yavin 4 stronghold will be atleast 2x bigger, I really think the hook count should be AT LEAST EQUAL or ABOVE Tatooines hook count.


Secondly, I think there should be another starship hook added to the Yavin 4 stronghold. There seems to be room for it there, and with such a big house, we want to show off our wealth and glory :D

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Additionally, please give us a minimum of THREE starship hooks. The one on the landing pad is great for a ship...but I also want to place my arena and worldbreaker monolith.


This please!


Yeah, im a member of decorators anonymous, and need more spots to put things in my existing SH, dont limit us even more with Yavin :(

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I can only hope they not only listen but follow through and increase the hook limit.


Thank you for the link :)


You make it sound like it's just a choice. The problem is of course limitations of what the game can handle. I don't know if it's the engine, the data traffic whatever...but clearly if it had no effect on the performance they'd set the limit to 1 million just so you can buy more decorations.

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You make it sound like it's just a choice. The problem is of course limitations of what the game can handle. I don't know if it's the engine, the data traffic whatever...but clearly if it had no effect on the performance they'd set the limit to 1 million just so you can buy more decorations.


You make it sound like you know for a fact that it has something to do with the games limitations, and I am not saying that isn't one of the possibilities but we don't know for certain. Unless you have insider knowledge I lack?


Furthermore, and forgive my lack of technical expertise in this matter but would say, 50 lifeday trees, sparkling so bright not be more of a drain then say, 50 basic chairs?

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