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Pugging 55 SM Group Finder Ops - Group Formation Mental Prompts

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Enjoying the new 55 classic op Group Finder Queue. Easy ops, literally a breeze to get through them with new level cap/gear. Nevertheless, formation of such can sometimes take longer than expected.


Reason being, I think, is because many players have become accustom to what they want to notice and what they want to ignore. Almost, if not entirely, on a subconscious level. This can be as simple as expanding all the little acronyms like:


LFM - Looking for more


Players would simply ignore the expanded version and only search for the acronym version of such. Or vice versus.


Sort of like a "Search the webpage" hotkey that allows you to instantly search all words on a page. You can type "looking for more" but no options will come up. HOWEVER, that doesn't say it's not on the page. If you type "lfm" you'll maybe find half a dozen cases.


Such is the same, in my opinion, when it comes to formation of Operation Groups. Players will only notice such a group formation if the chat queues match the predetermined "search parameters" in their mind. I highly doubt that 200 players across 2+ instances, some with 1+ number of alternate toons, simply "don't want to pug" an incredibly easy op. I believe there are many players that want to, but simply don't notice the prompts in chat


My solution, advertise differently.




LFM #dps, #heals, #tanks

Forming [insert Op Here]

LFM [insert Op Here] All Roles


etc, etc


I've found that advertising differently has lead to faster formation of operations than continually using the exact previous prompt earlier.

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