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How is that even remotely star wars themed? Want that? Then play another mmo.


Sure, because we know everyone is the entire SW universe all wore the same hats.:(

There is nothing much in this game that is Star Wars themed other than Lightsabers.

I know I've never seen half the armor available in this game in a Star Wars movie.

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Sure, because we know everyone is the entire SW universe all wore the same hats.:(

There is nothing much in this game that is Star Wars themed other than Lightsabers.

I know I've never seen half the armor available in this game in a Star Wars movie.


Idno.. Some of the Inquisitor/Consular garbs look alot like something out of Amidala/Padme's wardrobe..

Now if only we could get dat geisha makeup too.


On topic, i'd love to see some headwear tailored more specifically to the twi'leks, zabrak, and soon to be togruta!

Doesnt have to be full lekku-wear (although i'd love for the gree to make me some snazzy lekku warmers for whenever they drag me to Ilum).. Just something that I dont have to cut holes in to protect my precious face from blaster fire!

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