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[Annihilation/Watchman] Why is Force Rend not a saber attack?

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yeah. Give it some weapon damage initial damage, make an animation like crippling throw.


A general lightsaber throw would be boring, it'd be cool if it was a direct throw forward, sort of like the force unleashed charged saber throw?

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I have never ever done any endgame pve on my sentinel or marauder so take this with a grain of salt, but wouldn't changing Force Rend to a melee attack be a nerf in pve precisely because it would comsume a Deadly Saber stack? As it stands, can't you get an extra gcd of uptime on the DS dot (albeit at only 1 or 2 stacks) without actually losing any overall 3 stack uptime by staggering the DS applications with FR? Again, not done any sentinel endgame pve (or much pve at all since before 3.0) so I don't know if that's how the rotatation actually works out.


Anyway, making it a melee attack would be a big nerf in pvp. Before 3.0 100% of the spec's rotational damage came from melee attacks. The actual dot ticks were obviously force, but they were gated behind melee attacks and so were subject to melee defenses. Adding a rotational force attack (that was also not 4m and could be specced for a slow) was one of the few good things that happened to the spec in 3.0 as far as pvp goes. Gives the spec some viable options for dealing with melee/ranged dcds.

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If you use an attack that does not apply (or as you say "proc") a stack of Deadly Saber while you still have stacks on yourself, the running stack(s) already on the target will tick on until you apply the next stack. This means you get extra ticks and additional damage from Overload Saber. Attacks that are suitable for that are Force Melt, Blade Storm, Force Sweep and Force Stasis. Since Blade Storm and Force Sweep are not part of our single target rotation and Force Stasis is highly situational, Force Melt is very useful for that "trick". It would lose that option if our Sabers were involved, since all attacks with your light sabers are considered melee attacks as opposed to force attacks. This is independent of the range they are used at, meaning even Double Saber Throw is considered melee, even though it can be done from 30m.


TLDR: Melt must stay the way it is, otherwise we would lose dps.

Edited by Ardarell_Solo
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I never said "Melee" attack. I said "Saber" attack. If it was a throw, it could keep it's 10m range, and then also proc Deadly Saber (Just like Dual Saber Throw does).


My point was not about ability range. With "melee" I mean the attack type (white damage), not the range of the ability. Change it to a "saber" attack and it becomes white damage, and once again the spec is in a place where not a single rotational ability is unaffected by melee/ranged (white damage) defensive cooldowns. Besides, judging from Ardarell_Solo's post above, it seems I was correct in that this sort of change would hurt pve as well. You are arguing to nerf yourself :p

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