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Why didn't Nox use Force Walk on ancestor?


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I always figured that's exactly why he never pops up again: He doesn't want to be bound.


The last time we see him, the Inquisitor has just bound Andru. Ghost Grandad pops in, gives congratulations and some last advice, then vanishes pretty quickly as soon as the Inquis stops shivering. He's getting while the getting is good. ;)

Edited by Phenixmirage
for clarification
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he actually last appear at the end of chapter 1 after the battle with zash and after you bound all other ghosts.

is also would make sense if you bound him as he wished you to restore the kallig family to glory and there is the plot twist...


if you had bound that uber sith ghost of kallig why would you need the voss ritual? he would have placed all other ghosts in line. probably.

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Becoming a ghost is an ability, not everyone can do it. Most can't.


They also wouldn't necessarily manifest where they died, or do so immediately. Sith ghosts in particular.

Edited by Senrie
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Can't Nox bind the ghosts of every Jedi/Sith he kills immediately after killing them? Or do they need to be killed a certain way to become a Force ghost?


It's hard to keep five ghosts bound to her and not go crazy. Imagine if there were fifty.

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