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REing augmented crafts


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I would like to suggest to reward 2 augmentation slot components for reverse engineering an already augmented armorpiece.


The reason behind this: when crafting armorings, mods, enhancements, a crafting crit gets you 2 pieces of the ordered craft. In this case you do have an advantage from crafting with the respective companion offering you a crit bonus.


But when crafting armorpieces, implants, earpieces you get an augmentation slot. If you only craft these things to RE them and build augmentation kits with the components, you have no advantage from crafting with the respective companion providing the higher crit chance. If we gave one slot component for the regular piece and one more for a augmentation slot if present, we would account for the smart crafting with the "correct" companion.

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when crafting armorings, mods, enhancements, a crafting crit gets you 2 pieces of the ordered craft


This applies when crafting augments and augment kits as well. (Anything that isn't weapon / offhand / armor / earpiece / implant / relic.)


So depending on how many crit, 100 items crafted to reverse engineer into 100 components (using the more common trend of 1 component per item, not the generous payout of 2 mk-7 components and 1 mk-8 component that you get out of each item from the items in a very specific level range) could theoretically produce anywhere from 10 to 20 augment kits. (Order 10. It is of course highly unlikely that they'd all crit, but such an amazing stroke of luck would produce 20 items. Really though, even reaching 15 would be a stretch. It's more likely to land somewhere around 12 or 13.)


Although yeah, even with that clarification it is odd how a crit result on gear is mostly worthless. As you pointed out, it has no impact on output of components from reverse engineering. It's also questionable even on items crafted to be used or to be sold for someone else to use. If it's a customizable item the free slot from the crit may be a lower grade and so someone might still want to use a kit to install a higher version anyway. Although it's fine for items with fixed stats because nobody's going to be concerned with upgrading the augment slot in that item beyond the level that the item has stats for.


We could also question whoever made the design choice to set the schematics at 10 components needed to order up each augment kit. That always seemed a bit high. And just changing that number could significantly change the dynamic of this particular portion of crafting.


Hypothetically... Let's imagine that they tried both changes together. Increasing the number of components taken out of augmented items and lowering the number of components needed for each kit. So out of 100 items crafted we might have 10-28 augmented results.


(base chance to crit is 10% for "orange difficulty and 15% otherwise, then the companion get get up to 5% extra chance on top of that based on how much affection they have and an extra 3% chance from some legacy perks (description claims "augmented results" specifically but it was clarified at some point that it applies to all crafting results) and then of course up to 5% extra chance if the companion has a crit bonus for that skill. Total = up to 28% chance to crit in the absolute best case possible.)


So with the bonus components out of reverse engineering those slotted items, we're looking at something like 110-128 components out of those 100 items. Now suppose that it was only 5 components needed for each kit. That's enough components to order up 22-25 kits. And then in the highly unlikely theoretical best case that each of those crit you could be looking at 50 kits produced out of those 100 items. (Actual results would probably be closer to 30 produced.)


Why not give them an increased chance to RE?


Heh, that would make augment kits more interesting if they boosted chance for RE, especially the lower level ones if they counted as an augmented craft.


Ha, burning up augment kits produced from masses of items crafted (which were crafted only to be reverse engineered) so that you can add slots to items that didn't crit while mass producing more items (also crafted only to be reverse engineered) and increase your chances to learn new schematics from reverse engineering all of these masses of items...


Sounds pretty crazy. But it would be something that regular gear could hold over the item modifications. Attempting to learn a certain blue or purple variant of the schematic for a particular piece of gear could be aided by the use of spare augment kits, but attempting to learn the blue or purple version of a modification will be stuck with the default 20% chance.


Anyway, reading this idea, my thought would be that maybe the level of the slot affects how much of a boost the reverse engineer chance on that item gets? So something with a mk-1 slot might only get bumped up to a 21% chance at learning a new schematic while something with a mk-5 slot gets bumped up to a 25% chance.

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  • 2 months later...
Could we just get a crafting schematic to directly craft the augment kit components instead? REing 30 items in a batch takes... a stupid amount of time.


It sounds like it could get even worse before too long here, if you've seen the mined information on crafting.


Of course that info doesn't address augment kits at all and we can only guess that they aren't changing it away from how it works currently. But if it remains at "get components from reverse engineering gear" and "10 components go into a kit" with the extra assembly step added in for crafting the gear in the first place, kits will become a much larger investment of time and materials than they already are.


Although... Okay, here's some wishful thinking to have on this subject: They could just allow us to reverse engineer the assembly things for components so that it's not actually adding an extra step (wouldn't actually need to put the assembly parts together into an actual piece of gear). Bonus: I suppose we should also assume that these assembly pieces will be the type of item to double up on a crit, so if you're only interested in the components every extra assembly piece available to reverse engineer because of crafting crits is a free component.

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