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I think Bioware stealth nerfed the Makeb Chests


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While I was on Makeb doing the weekly, I stumbled upon a rare (farmers usually get them) chest in the Sanctuary area. Makeb usually spawned those big chests, but today it was of those smaller chests with lower payout. Can anyone else confirm as well?


Not really hot and bothered. In fact, kind of happy. Means Bioware seems to be specifically going after the credit sellers even further.

Edited by Nickious
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They did. They nerfed all 50-60 chests. Read the potato patch notes.


Nothing in the patch notes here, say anything about Security chests being nerfed on planets.

Only thing about chest is about Boarding Party:

Boarding Party

Removed chests that were not intended to be present in the Flashpoint.


Yes, I saw the Rishi chests are dropping a low amount too. Sad credit farmers causing them to revamp their game because they can't keep them out. :(

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Nothing in the patch notes here, say anything about Security chests being nerfed on planets.

Only thing about chest is about Boarding Party:

Boarding Party

Removed chests that were not intended to be present in the Flashpoint.


Yes, I saw the Rishi chests are dropping a low amount too. Sad credit farmers causing them to revamp their game because they can't keep them out. :(


I don't think he's talking about the offical patch notes there capn'. The clue was the word potato. Hint hint.

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I don't think he's talking about the offical patch notes there capn'. The clue was the word potato. Hint hint.


Thought he was just being a smart butt. Using the "read the patch notes noob" comment. lol

I have no idea what potato patch notes are. rofl

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Rishi chests have been nerfed as well. I haven't checked Oricon yet, but they probably are giving out less credits, too.


This does seem to be the case. As mentioned, they're no longer the tall chests anymore but instead are the smaller chests, and have at best half the credits and loot.

Edited by The-Kaitou-Kid
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