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On The Force and Lightsaber forms


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This is going to be long so buckle up.


There are few things that irk me more in the Star Wars universe then the misunderstanding of the force. The force doesn't have two sides in the strict sense, it is the life 'force' of all things. The dark side only exists because someone corrupted the force. You can't take the force and attacking a living thing with it without having something break. It's a bit light your immune system attacking your body, it doesn't for long happy life make.


The dark side of the force isn't part of the force anymore then an necrotic limb that badly needs aputation is part of you. Sure at first is seems stronger, you don't feel pain and the corrupting power spreads and kills others but it's slowly killing you too.


Sith just pretend it's not true.


Bioware hasn't really implied the above isn't true but overnight hearing people push for 'grey jedi', or 'balance is both' or the dreaded 'the dark side isnt real it's just the force. It's how you use the power.'


That said a light sided with inquisitor CANT use force lightning without falling to the dark side. You can't hurt people with the force directly without proliferation of the dark side.


There really should be a greater selection of force skills neutral in nature and unlock the dark or light stuff accordingly.


On the topic of abilities why are the force forms restricted to just the martial Jedi/Sith? All Jedi Sith the basic forms then other forms fitting their role or personal preference. Some forms boost the force and are less melee based. Give that to the sage and sorc.


This also leaves the Jedi sentinel and Sith assassins in the cold. They def need force forms.

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Dude, Vitiate has lived for a thousand years solely because of the Dark Side. I really doubt any Jedi have lived that long.


That said a light sided with inquisitor CANT use force lightning without falling to the dark side. You can't hurt people with the force directly without proliferation of the dark side.


Um, the Jedi hurt Sith all the time. Satele is the main reason Malgus needs to wear a respirator now, she brought an entire mountain on top of him. In both the Knight and Consular story, you are killing thousands of people throughout your entire story, yet you can remain completely light.


This logic is flawed.

Edited by Tankdoog
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Um, the Jedi hurt Sith all the time. Satele is the main reason Malgus needs to wear a respirator now, she brought an entire mountain on top of him. In both the Knight and Consular story, you are killing thousands of people throughout your entire story, yet you can remain completely light.


Perhaps it's more intent based. "I intend to fight them in order to defend others from what they can do" versus "I intend to fight them to further my goals effectively and quickly."


Though supposedly according to the wiki there's a Light Side variant of Force Lightning in the EU.

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Bioware hasn't really implied the above isn't true but overnight hearing people push for 'grey jedi', or 'balance is both' or the dreaded 'the dark side isnt real it's just the force. It's how you use the power.'


I think the reason people push for this is that actual Jedi are so pointlessly stodgy. A "grey" Jedi in this sense is someone who is neither evil, nor stifled by the rote adherence to a narrow-minded code.


It's like to be Force-sensitive you have to trade off impulse control. That's basically what everyone who falls to the Darkside is like. They have literally no self control. At all.

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I would ask the OP to provide evidence supporting their claims.


the JEDI believe that the force is only the light side, but they are an inherently biased source of information.


Since we must assume EU here, I highly recommend looking into the origin of the Jedi, specifically the Je'daii on Tython. They make it pretty clear that going too far to any extreme is a bad thing.


The main misunderstanding here is that people get hung up on light = good, dark = evil.


Where in reality, BOTH are evil, when taken to extremes.

Light is about serenity, the suspension of emotion and the pursuit of harmony. It sounds good, in moderation, it allows for objective thought and peace, but in extreme it makes one a cold, heartless control freak.

Dark is about embracing emotion and passion, which are perfectly natural, in moderation. The problem again comes in the extreme, if an individual lacks self control, they can become a total monster.


And seriously, police forces use riot gear to stun, painfully, criminals. Are they evil? not likely.

Jedi chop of people's hands when convenient, how is this better than blasting them with lightning? if anything, it's worse, since lightning leaves all limbs intact.


We see both of these things in RL as well. a CIA agent can torture someone without feeling a wit of emotion, that doesn't make it good. At the same time, the family of the person who got tortured can get absolutely livid at the CIA agent, and this does not make them evil.



It is all very situational, just as any discussion of moraility is. Lucas just tried, and failed, to make it all nice, clean and simple.

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