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SWTOR Won't Last, Unless Leveling Is Revamped To Be Closer To WoW's Leveling


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Cool story, but helping would imply offering a useful suggestion to fix whatever problems you are having with the game. Otherwise it is, as Jhonen said, just complaining.


It's exactly that, complaining. He doesn't have any actual fixes for anything.

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@OP: you're joking right? Do you really want us to believe that you prefer WoW's leveling process over TOR's?


"a nice, quick, fun ride to level cap." So, your definition of a fun and nice journey to the level cap consists of solo steamrolling everything while being semi AFK and doing other stuff at the same time. Well, don't worry then, soon you'll get the chance to experience this again in MoP. I presume you have enough justice points to by your character the heirloom set with the extra 10% xp gain to further shorten the leveling time and make it even more "quick and fun".

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Pouring out my heart and soul, into an effort to try and help BioWare make the game (which I spent 60 dollars on) better... is illogical?


I respect your opinion, and I'm sure that it's valid, from your perspective. But I am going to have to ask you to try and explain it


Pouring out your heart and soul isn't helpful at all.


It comes out as some emotionally fueled rant that is for the most part devoid of any sense and reason.


You're the only person I know on this forum by name (for making such whiny and self-absorbed posts), and it seems I'm not the only one.


There is a difference between a temper tantrum and constructive criticism.

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Wow lvling is some of the worst I have ever experienced.


I had great fun at vanilla and to some degree at BC, I did lvl a lot chars to this time - it was just great, especially the group content was fun. With WOTLK and especially Cata this changed rapidly.


You lvl so fast, that you must skip atleast 50% of the quest´s - more if you want to do some pvp or dungeons. There is no quest which is atleast a bit challanging - the mobs are all the same and die the same. Where is this fun?


Something else is, that at wow you lvl alone. If you want to you can lvl from 1-80 doing group content non stop - but without ever saying a word. There are actually people who are like that, I met them all during my time at wow.


You enter a dungeon and say hello, but nothing happens. Instead the hunter or mage starts running into the first mob group nuking it down, going on with this until he dies or the dungeon is finished. I have never felt so lonely in an MMO like at wow WOTLK & Cata. It felt like Counter Strike with bots...


SWTOR is a lot better there, just the pvp xp is a bit too much - but it is great to actually see other players in an MMO and to group with them to beat challanging quest´s.

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Why not take the time and enjoy the leveling? This game has no end game content, the PvP/PvE is a disaster. The first way to fix it involves a total overhaul of the movement/attacks/abilities, and its lil too late for that.. I'm on the "this could be a SP game" boat, enjoy it for what it is, a KOTOR you can play with friends that costs $15/mo.


That depends. There are a lot of people (including myself) that enjoy the pve / pvp and thing that there's nothing wrong with the control scheme / reaction time.


I boil it down to personal taste, and some hardware / software problems.

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