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Moving and Attacking


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Hey guys, I am a complete noob at MMO's and don't know anything about keyboard settings and bindings. I play as a Sith Juggernaut (Immortal) and I have been watching Juggernaut gameplay videos online and I see the players running around while swinging their lightsabers. How the hell do you do this?! I just cannot do it! Whenever I try it either says "Cannot do this while moving" or if I miss the enemy character model my player just idles there and does nothing and its a mad clicking fest trying to target the enemy and I end up pressing onscreen buttons and dragging the quickslot buttons around and just getting into a general mess! Do any settings need to be modified to do this? How important is moving around while fighting? Please help! I am already feeling very daunted about starting this MMO and the daunting feeling just keeps getting worse and worse! I feel like I will never be able to play this game well, there is just so much to take in :confused: This is the coolest game I have ever played and I want to be really good at it, but I just feel like I am in way over my head :confused:
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Well for one, its a good practice to lock your quickslots in the preferences menu. I learned that the hard way many years ago. This will prevent you from dragging your abilities all over your screen instead of using them


And 2, moves that generally have a cast time can NOT be used while in motion. Assault, for example, can be used while moving, as well as any other instcast ability. Also force choke is a good one. At first its a channeled ability, but later on you can spec into having it instant, meaning you can shoot out a choke while moving and beat on the target as well instead of having to stand there and let it play out.


Alot of our abilites share a common cooldown meaning you can only use them one at a time. You cant mash the sundering assault button over and over again because it will only register once since it will be on a cooldown then.When you use an ability you will notice that most of your others are grayed out, with a line going down like a timer. Once it disappears you are free to use another ability (if that makes sense)

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Ahhhh ok, this is starting to make sense now. So most people move when they are using assault and other instacast stuff, I get it now. Anymore tips about moving and attacking? I move with the default controls (M for forward, Q strafe left and E strafe right), what buttons do you guys generally assign instacast moves to? Pressingf 1 and 2 while pressing Q,W and E whilst holding down right click and controlling the camera just feels so impossible lol! Is this how you guys do it or do you have any little tricks or better key bindings? Sorry for all the questions, I just want to get good lol... Edited by DarthVaedus
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I would recommend getting in the habit of using keybinds, mouse turning/looking and just practice it.


Melee can not PVP at thier potential by clicking abilities. You can get away with clicking as a healer, and possibly as a DPS caster but even then to be great in those roles you need to use keybinds.


For someone starting basically fresh I recommend the following.


1. Rebind strafe to A and D


2. For you main action bar bind the slots as 1 2 3 4 5 E F C R T Q, for the last slot go either G or Backtick which ever is easiest for you to hit.


3. Practice, while you are out just killing mobs try to move around and hit your abilities.


4. Find what keys you can't hit comfortably while moving and consider placing abilities of less importance on those keys.


5. Save your best keys for "clutch" a abilities. For example my Force Charge is on F, I always put my interrupt on E, my main attack usually gets placed on R (e.g. Impale).



For your other action bars use the same keys + Shift, and Control.


Main thing is developing muscle memory so your fingers just hit the ability you wanted to use without thinking about it, which will take practice and time but before you know it will just happen.

Edited by Kolbenito
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yes most importantly lock your task bar so you dont pull the icons out when click targeting etc. secondly find key bindings that suit your play style; i use 1,2,3,e,f,q for my main abilities and some of the other peripheral buttons (4,r,c,v,) for secondary skills, always have main skills within easy reach.

It is also a good idea to have a decent mouse with some extra thumb buttons, these i assign to "get me out of the ****" moves or things that i may use on the fly.


Lastly, and please dont take this the wrong way, think about temporarily rerolling to a more dps based class/spec. As Jugg immortal you are a tanking class and as such will tend to tank. If you are new to mmo's then i suggest that you roll as a dps class for a while till you get used to the game mechanics. if you are happy tanking (it is great fun), and feel confident about it then by all means continue.....



but most importantly enjoy yourself!!:D

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One of the reasons I picked the Juggernaut at the beginning was because I thought it would be the easiest class to learn with hahaha. Is the marauder easier then? Can anyone link me to a good marauder guide? I can't find any on this forum. Every other class seems to have a stickied guide apart from the marauder...
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well i saw your post on the marauder forums. Have you chosen your advanced class (AC)yet?? i.e what level are you? if you havent then go marauder, but since you say that you were going down the immortal tree then i assume that you have chosen juggernaut. Once you have made that choice (AC) there is no going back!


So you have 2 choices. you can either respecc into one of the other trees (vengeance or rage); do this in the major city market area and i think there is a place at the fleet too (not sure tho). otherwise start a new toon and go pure dps.


if you are new to this genre of game then don't fret with guides. just go out kill some **** and have fun. you will learn along the way and by all means go to as many flashpoints as you can; occasionally you will meet some douche who will call you noob and whatnot but who cares, you are a noob..... we all were ;).


if you are so new to this game i will give a bit of insight into the grouping mechanics.

When you go to a flashpoint, or maybe a heroic group quest you will usually go in a group of 4. This usually consists of a tank, a healer and 2 dps (damage per second, or sometimes damage dealer {dd}). the role of the tank is to have all the mobs focus on him/her and this is why tanking can be tough. You need to keep all the mobs attacking you. the healer heals the group, if all is going well only the tank should be getting healed as he should be the only one taking damage. you will find life is not often like this. The tank can not do much damage (thats not his/her job), that job is up to the dps. your group should not be stupid (they will be sometimes) and should allocate which mobs should be taken down first, but dont worry as the tank or healer will specify this. As dps just focus on killing things in whatever order you are told too.

there are other things to think about such as crowd control (CC) but you will find that out as you go along.

You will make mistakes and probably piss some people off but just keep repeating to yourself "im a noob, im a noob", and eventually you will find yourself saying "im a ***** *** mofo" :)


As dps when you get new skills just pay attention to which ones cause the most damage and use these whenever they are not on cooldown (CD). If you have some epic moves that have a 20 min CD then save those for the big fights.


Now go out and enjoy yourself noob!! thats an order.......:D:D:D

Edited by shikhan
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Hahahaha, cheers for the info mate. I think I will stick to my jugger, I am starting to get the hang of it after reading a couple of guides and watching some gameplay videos. I just need to develop skill with rotations and learn to think fast and get used to using the keyboard and mouse, but I am getting there hahaha. Like you said, I think as I go through the game I will learn a lot and so far, every player online has been very helpful and I have received no grief (yet) hahaha. I am just a hardcore Darth Vader fan and the moment I saw the early trailers for the jugger, I knew what class I wanted to be and I thought "All I have to do is stand there and take damage as a tank so my job should be pretty easy!". That's not the case lol! I will persevere and get there there in the end though!
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One of the best pieces of advice I have ever received about playing MMO games in general is to STAY CALM. When all the galaxy erupts in chaos around your character, it's easy to get flustered, panic, and make mistakes. When the action is in full swing, just take a breath and stay composed and focused on what you're trying to accomplish. This helped me a lot as a new player, and I hope it helps you too!
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good point ImShady. I cant tell you how many times in that "other" mmo that sounds like cow, people in vent start to panic with things go south. I mean yelling, button mashing (like that helps !) etc. Also remember something though..sure you may be a tank and all that, but you are also dependent on your healers (in 4mans etc) and are NOT invincible :p. Play smart and keep aware of your surroundings, and do your best to NOT pop cc targets early!


Mistakes are made along the way, everyone makes them. And while other people like the toss the blame around, dont take it personally.


The point is..to just have fun isnt it?

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One thing that I didn't ask properly is, as a tank, why do I need to run around? Surely I am supposed to keep aggro, and make people stick to me and not keep running off and running around? What am I trying to accomplish by running around while hitting? It doesn't seem to decrease other opposing players and NPC's accuracy, I still get hit pretty much the same amount regardless of whether I dodge or not. I just need a bit of clarification on how to move, why do I need to run and move around? That is pretty much the only thing that confuses me now. I am becoming more and more comfortable in a tanking role now, but this is one of the things that I still can't get my head around, and it doesn't seem to be addressed in any tanking guides that I read, all it says is that a tank is built to be able to go toe to toe with powerful foes and not have to rely on getting in behind the enemy or wailing from afar, but I see most players running around like crazy whilst using assault, sunder and ravage etc. Why? What happens if I don't run around? I'm just used to fighting like I did in KOTOR 1 and 2...
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you don't really have to run around. what you want to do is position mobs strategically. This means not have them hit you from behind and also try to position them so that they face away from your group. This is because mobs can dodge/block etc better from front then back (same goes for you). Only time i can really think of where moving constantly is required would be if you are trying to kite a mob, or if the mechanic requires it (eg you take damage if you stand still).
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