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Which Personal Story antagonist had the best characterization ?


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The cunning classes, smuggler and the agent. Skavak and Darmas Pollaran. Darth Jadus and all who come after.


Bounty hunter? A painted boy, then someoone-whose-name-don't-even-remember-but-killed-anyway.

Trooper? Please. Most boring story ever.

Jedi Knight? Is there even an antagonist? Ah, yes, the Emperor. Again. No personality whatsoever, just some nameless presence you got to defeat. Boring.


Consular's story with Syo is beautiful, but the rest of it is too dull. And Sith Inquisitor/Sith Warrior antagonists, Baras and Zash/Thanaton, are the worst part of the story. Thanaton's not too bad, but compared to Marr or Jadus, he's nothing.


So, yeah, Smuggler/Agent all the way.

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SW: Kartmatu "The great stoneface"


Wary of baras from the start, became convinced through chapter 2 Baras was plotting against Kartmatu.

Baras was basically pathetic towards the end of his run. All that insecurity about himself came to the surface when Baras network of spies failed one by one and draag failed once and died twice.


The most interesting thing about the whole storyline was the fallen Jedi Master Nomen Karr at the end. He realized too late as to what was going to happen to Jaesa. His own pride and ignorance pushed him into the dark after that Jaesa came and Nomen realized he did a terrible thing. But thats the risk you run as a jedi by ignoring things that was bound to happen.



SI: Lumba


Zash was just petty, not overly bright as far as lightbulbs are concerned. although she did keep most of the ritual details to herself. ultimately i purged her from Khem Val at the end. She became plain annoying after the partially successful ritual.


Thanaton was also petty, but ignorant of himself on a few occasions. When he ran from the televised Kaggath on Corellia at the end, i wasnt in any mood to listen to his pratle after that and just as happy to see him getting put down for his failure to realize his own place.



BH: Evek


Tarro Blood was mostly anonymous although there were a few references. even so, hes the typical school yard bully, arrogant, a rather dim bulb on the lightbulb scale, had his friends do the work for him. Even the disgraced house Rist realized Terro for what he is worth and thats stating something! I watched him squirm and die as Mako pulled the trigger. Intended mischief repaid with interest.


The Suros storyline was quite overplayed, for a jedi to be so wrong and failing to realize it while spouting the usual tripe. i mean this guy makes Thanaton look like a blastered hero.. How it took the Republic so long to discover this abuse of power i will never know, but a single jedi should not of had so much power by himself, jedi often speak that one must be responsible wielding so much power and that they should not take more as it would lead to a dark path. also jedi like sith have the ability to sense other force users with a little attention and know their intentions as well, how is it the jedi council overlook this? lots of questions which only adds to the "overplayed" hand. I didnt much enjoy this part of the storyline.


Oh and Tormen was killed in a bargain with the former chancellor.



IA: Karajan


The agent gets shocked by Jadus to death, that sends the agent on a vendetta, no sith are immune to his special purge if he can get away with it. He later catches the Eagle, rather pathetic pawn to Jadus. And then has Jadus arrested by the dark council, not much of a fight with him considering his power of being "second to the emperor" as watcher two put it.


As hunter made her move on Hoth, she drew too much attention to herself causing the agent to free himself and pursue hunter no matter where. Hunter like everyone else along the way was mown down by pistol fire from the agent. Not much behind hunter besides the fact she was a troubled girl growing up. clearly no peers or surrogates to bring her up properly, never known anything including love as the initial openers to Hunter on NS and later on prove she was fairly akward in social aspects.



JK: Dathon


Angral was a typical 2d villain, no substance to him at all, even one of his subordinates Lord Praven saw his empty his quest is. He proved no match for the developing knight, at the expense of Orgus Din.


The encounter with the emperor later on had left the situation unresolved. but with the voice freed by the wrath at around the same time another voice was silenced in the dark temple on DK. it continues to the expac.. can not say one way or the other about the emperor until its reached its conclusion with his story.



JC: Jala


Vivicar infecting all the jedi out there, eventually he had to be stopped. Vivicar known previous as Parkanas tark, a young jedi who sacrified himself on malachor to save the others, he spent so long out there and he came back to torment those jedi who he misguidedly felt that left him behind and ended up getting taken over by morrhage himself. Morrhage was again banished and Parkanis was freed.


Syo Bakarn storyline was a lot better then some others, he kept his secret hidden all the way to corellia before the others found out, geniune surprise and shock. the end fight was fairly interesting though. Syo was freed by his own power as a jedi when his emperor persona was cast out and the other children exposed.



Tr: Takamura


The Betrayal of Tavus was because he was right, his team was send to Ando prime and was given up by both Garza and the senate. Made him and his team bitter about what happened afterwards, his lead quit in protest and during your short spell on OM, you find him turning loyalty over that same incident. He gets tracked down, the fight was not worth mentioning but he was spared, much to Garza's amusement.


The later story of General Rakton especially the last bit on corellia and the gauntlet superweapon, your compaions are all used in the storyline and conveys a sort of teamwork throughout. Rakton was captured despite his bluster.



Sm: Kha'ri


That whole Nok Drayen and his treasure chase ended up with nok's daughter getting her crown back to rule dubrilion one day, but that ended up going sideways later on. however it was a let down ending to that storyline.


The voidwolf, Rogun the butcher alliance was never really an alliance, several greedy and disgusting charmer friends you hang out with, namely Darmas Polleran turn out to be completely rotten and attempt to take the smuggler out the picture as dead weight, especially since it was found out by Rogun that it was a setup. decided to turn these rotten traitors in and ignored the fleet at the end after taking out the voidwolf out the picture. voidwolf like most imperial officers are more bluster than action.


Edited by Celise
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