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Healing Merc/Commando stats min/maxed


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I run with about 25% crit, 68% surge and 6% alacrity. All aim augs.


hmm. Do you use aim augs for the added crit instead of power? I have a bunch of power augs in my bank I made, I could craft aim augs if needed though. Haha. Well, it's fine I will craft some aim augs and see how that works.


I found on my sorc power augs seemed to boost me a tad better with overall healing output, just wondering if power would do the same for merc heals. Good to know though, that's pretty simple and easy to manage thanks for your setup.

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I found on my sorc power augs seemed to boost me a tad better with overall healing output, just wondering if power would do the same for merc heals.


Sorc PvE BiS crit is 120, Merc is 715. So no, it porbably wouldn't.


I personally run with 300-350 crit.

Edited by cs_zoltan
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