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There SERIOUSLY needs to be 1 to 2 more leveling brackets for pvp


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Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out (insult intended) that even with bolster the 29 other levels of special abilities outweigh the bolster by AT LEAST a factor of 3. It's about time SOMETHING was done right in this game and not "good enough" or almost done.
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Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out (insult intended) that even with bolster the 29 other levels of special abilities outweigh the bolster by AT LEAST a factor of 3. It's about time SOMETHING was done right in this game and not "good enough" or almost done.


No, no there doesn't. Lowbie PvP is arguably one of the games better features. I Have leveled many toons on multiple servers, and I've never felt "outmatched" because others out leveled me. Creating more brackets will just dilute the population creating longer ques and hampering group formations. Lowbie pvp is very much "good enough," it doesn't need to be broken because of forum QQ threads

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It's 12x xp, there shouldn't be anyone under lvl20 in the 10-29 bracket and there shouldn't be anyone under 50 in the 30-59 bracket. If a player chooses not to level and rely on their pvp skill alone, knowing that they are going to be facing players 10-15 level above them with more class abilities available, then that's all on them.
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Although I agree that PVP should be better balanced in mids, I gave up a long time ago thinking it would be playable for 30-49s.


As an avid pvper, even I understand and have accepted that you need to just level up. You need to hit 50 at the least before you start pvping in mids.


Some classes actually can perform in mids while in their 30s, but a good baseline is to just avoid pvp till you hit 50.

All classes are fairly strong by 50.


BW will not separate and create more brackets it would water down the queue pop times. they adjusted bolster so at least as a lowbie in mids you do have the proper HPs... But, it still appears the number of abilities the higher lvls have still give quite an advantage over the majority of lowbies who try to pvp in mids.


Stay out of pvp when you are 30-49 is my advice. You only will be frustrated and a detriment to your team if you decide to queue.

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No, no there doesn't. Lowbie PvP is arguably one of the games better features. I Have leveled many toons on multiple servers, and I've never felt "outmatched" because others out leveled me. Creating more brackets will just dilute the population creating longer ques and hampering group formations. Lowbie pvp is very much "good enough," it doesn't need to be broken because of forum QQ threads


How can ANYONE even begin to say this when quite a few of the players have 25 to 29 more VERY POWERFUL abilities than you..muti CC and stuns and more dots? Bolster doesn't EVEN come clost to matching that. The only saving grace is 90% of the 50 - 59 players have no clue and are bAD.

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I used to feel this was a viable complaint. I don't anymore. You can blow through levels way too fast and get on to the next bracket, easy peasy.

You got owned a few rounds. We get it. Move on, keep leveling, you'll get past it soon enough. In the time it took me to type this....I could have romped out another level running class story with 12x XP?

You can fill your comm quota doing nothing but pvp from 55-60 and once you're 55, lets face it, you are sitting pretty in that bracket.

Nothing to see here....:)

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If there was x-server then yeah maybe one more bracket would work, but currently the last thing this game needs is more segregation. There's way too many different queues already that people wait in for ages.
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