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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

I want to take a step up as an arsenal DPS.


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The number of auto attacks and stacking error have a higher Impact than alacrity.

35-36 is fine too, 32-33 is just too low.


Arsenal/Gunnery should have zero auto attacks in the rotation. The top parses are running around 35apm, no clue how much alacrity they were using if any. If anything I would think that alacrity would hurt Arsenal by delaying barrage procs (you would get a lot more situations where you need to hardcast 3x TMs instead of the usual 2x TMs to proc barrage).


Next question is, how much of a dps impact is 33apm vs 35apm as compared to not having set bonuses, or using the crit heavy comms gear?

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