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Midi-chlorians and Force Ghosts and Vitiate and Sidious et al... and the rock.


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What's the final judgement on those little rascals? They were thrown in, by Darth Lucas, as a little blurb in one of the Star wars movies, and it caused a gear to strip, and the machinery of the Star Wars Universe to temporarily grind to a halt.


I say this because, Midi-chlorians live in "all living cells" according to the people who say so. Force ghosts don't have living cells. So, how can they have The Force, or have control over The Force?


Yoda told Luke that The Force was everywhere and in everything.

Life creates it, makes it grow. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter. You must feel the Force around you; here, between you, me, the tree, the rock, everywhere, yes. Even between the land and the ship.


"Luminous beings are we." That suggests that Force Ghosts can exist. "Not this crude matter." This suggests that we don't need Midi-Chlorians.


And yet... One's Midi-Chlorian count is pretty important to determine how strong one could get in The Force.


What have I missed? Where have I gone wrong? What do you think?

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The idea is that Midichlorians allow living beings to communicate with the Force, but once you die you "become one with the Force". At that point, there is no need for Midichlorians to facilitate such a connection, because your soul directly becomes a part of the Force.


It is only while you are alive, and your soul is separate from the Force, (or probably just operating under the illusion of separation,) that you need Midichlorians to 'bridge the gap' and allow you to directly influence the Force.


One (retconned) interpretation of Obi-wan's "If you strike me down I shall become more powerful than you can imagine" line would be that once he's dead he will no longer be limited by his 'Midichlorian count'.

Edited by DarthDymond
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What's the final judgement on those little rascals? They were thrown in, by Darth Lucas, as a little blurb in one of the Star wars movies, and it caused a gear to strip, and the machinery of the Star Wars Universe to temporarily grind to a halt.


I say this because, Midi-chlorians live in "all living cells" according to the people who say so. Force ghosts don't have living cells. So, how can they have The Force, or have control over The Force?


Yoda told Luke that The Force was everywhere and in everything.


"Luminous beings are we." That suggests that Force Ghosts can exist. "Not this crude matter." This suggests that we don't need Midi-Chlorians.


And yet... One's Midi-Chlorian count is pretty important to determine how strong one could get in The Force.


What have I missed? Where have I gone wrong? What do you think?


So on Midi-chlorians.


I think George Lucas failed, in his attempt to do something that would have been cool if he didn't turn the force into Bacteria.


The thing is in the Orig-Trig the Force was basically a magical religion and people made claims with no apparent scientific reasoning. Lucas wanted to make the force into a measurable quantifiable thing, and pull it out of the realm of a religion and into a more enlighten scientific magic ability. he failed by not watching DragonballZ, so he missed the opportunity to be slick, instead he turned the force into micro-organisms, and basically failed massively.


(humor what if: So what if Lucas was an anime fan...


Qui-gon Jinn steps out and looks down at Anakin who is staring up into the nights sky, he then puts on the Force measuring eyeglasses, and the recital focuses in on Anakin, in the corner of the lense Qui-gon sees the number race up in digits, on his face a look of shock as he exclaims "Over 9000")


Most fans, ignore that scene all together, and act as if Midichlorians, Jar-Jar, and 'Anakin whining' never happened.

I waited for more people to put in their two credits, on this topic. But I guess it was that simple, and there really isn't much to say about. Eh?


As to the low responce time, what is today? Yah tommorrow when folks are at work, people will be posting more.


The idea is that Midichlorians allow living beings to communicate with the Force, but once you die you "become one with the Force". At that point, there is no need for Midichlorians to facilitate such a connection, because your soul directly becomes a part of the Force.


It is only while you are alive, and your soul is separate from the Force, (or probably just operating under the illusion of separation,) that you need Midichlorians to 'bridge the gap' and allow you to directly influence the Force.


One (retconned) interpretation of Obi-wan's "If you strike me down I shall become more powerful than you can imagine" line would be that once he's dead he will no longer be limited by his 'Midichlorian count'.

Well said.


Well, most people try to ignore the existence of the dam things. There is a reason they are so rarely mentioned in the EU after Ep 1. Everything thinks they're dumb...


Simply put, Lucas fail.


Edited by gothshark
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Its explained well in the "Star Wars Book of the Sith". The mystical energy called the force can be classified in three ways; the Living force, the Unifying force and the pneuma (greek for soul/spirit).


The Unifying Force connects everything in the universe together; gravity, electromagnetism and everything in space and time. this is why Jedi and sith can move object, shoot lightning and all that fun stuff.


The Living Force is what gives life to all living this (but not consciousness) to planet and animals through midi-chlorians, the force would still exist without midi-chlorians but life wouldn't. If a being had all its midi-chlorians purged it would die.


Finally the pneuma provides thought to sentient beings this is also connected to the force allowing jedi and sith to use mind tricks and create illusions. All midi-chlorians in an individual are linked through the pneuma of the host and the emotions of the host will affect the midi-chlorians interaction with the force.


Midi-chlorians inhabit living beings these beings can use that as a connect to the force. the more midi-chlorians the stronger the connection to the force. upon death the midi-chlorians in the organism's body start to die however through the pneuma sentient conscience survives and becomes part of the force. Some jedi maintain their individuality upon becoming one with the force e.g. obi wan and yoda the line "there is no death, there is only the force" comes to mind.


[Headcanon Starts]

sith ghost don't become one with the force as there pneuma are twisted by the dark side so they remain bound to their corpse or tomb when they die and their force potential is remains with them and can be used directly without the need of midi-chlorians as they are no longer physical beings connected to the force by midi-chlorians.

[Headcanon ends here]


Midi-chlorians are mentioned much as Jedi and sith on the whole care little for relationship between midi-chlorians the force and scientist don't understand the force, but then Darth Plagueis, a powerful force user with a scientific mind came along and through understanding the relationship between midi-chlorians, living things and the force, learned how to control life and death, if not for Sidious Plagueis would probably have become some sort of immortal god.

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'Anakin whining' never happened.


I liked Anakin well enough, but yeah, I think whining ran in the family as thoroughly as the Force. Luke whined like a little bish. "Aw, why can't I go join the rebellion? Aw do I have to drink my blue milk? These space carrots taste funky..." :D


Agreed though, and well put about the midichloreans. I always thought that was silly myself. There have been times, I've been half tempted to rewrite some of the scenes in those movies lol, but then I think...nah... :cool:

Edited by Lunafox
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Its explained well in the "Star Wars Book of the Sith". The mystical energy called the force can be classified in three ways; the Living force, the Unifying force and the pneuma (greek for soul/spirit).


The Unifying Force connects everything in the universe together; gravity, electromagnetism and everything in space and time. this is why Jedi and sith can move object, shoot lightning and all that fun stuff.


The Living Force is what gives life to all living this (but not consciousness) to planet and animals through midi-chlorians, the force would still exist without midi-chlorians but life wouldn't. If a being had all its midi-chlorians purged it would die.


Finally the pneuma provides thought to sentient beings this is also connected to the force allowing jedi and sith to use mind tricks and create illusions. All midi-chlorians in an individual are linked through the pneuma of the host and the emotions of the host will affect the midi-chlorians interaction with the force.


Midi-chlorians inhabit living beings these beings can use that as a connect to the force. the more midi-chlorians the stronger the connection to the force. upon death the midi-chlorians in the organism's body start to die however through the pneuma sentient conscience survives and becomes part of the force. Some jedi maintain their individuality upon becoming one with the force e.g. obi wan and yoda the line "there is no death, there is only the force" comes to mind.


[Headcanon Starts]

sith ghost don't become one with the force as there pneuma are twisted by the dark side so they remain bound to their corpse or tomb when they die and their force potential is remains with them and can be used directly without the need of midi-chlorians as they are no longer physical beings connected to the force by midi-chlorians.

[Headcanon ends here]


Midi-chlorians are mentioned much as Jedi and sith on the whole care little for relationship between midi-chlorians the force and scientist don't understand the force, but then Darth Plagueis, a powerful force user with a scientific mind came along and through understanding the relationship between midi-chlorians, living things and the force, learned how to control life and death, if not for Sidious Plagueis would probably have become some sort of immortal god.


Since Disney threw out the EU, I guess that, most excellent, explanation got trashed along with the rest of the EU, eh?

Edited by WorldSmasher
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Since Disney threw out the EU, I guess that, most excellent, explanation got trashed along with the rest of the EU, eh?


sadly thats true. However it's still relevant for explaining stuff in SWTOR as they both follow legends canon and not disney's new canon

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Since Disney threw out the EU, I guess that, most excellent, explanation got trashed along with the rest of the EU, eh?


They didn't really throw it out as much as set it aside as something they aren't beholden too. They have already sucked a few bits back into the main canon.

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