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Class Story Continuation?


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I competed all 8 vanilla game storylines. Is the content beyond Chapter 3 have class specific content or is it generic? I understand NPCs are going to address you according you your class, but are there any further class specific stories so that I would have a reason to play beyond Chapter 3 with all the classes? Or is it all the same if I just picked 1 Empire and 1 Republic to go forward.
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Weill never get another full chapter of class story. RotHC has no class specific anything. That is a big reason why RotGC is so boring and lame. Not until Shadow of Revan is there even any difference in conversations based on class. On Rishi there is one single mission for each class. We may see more missions in the future.


SoR is worth running all characters through. RotHC on the other hand...run it but be ready to be bored. After a single run on each faction I never wanted to return there.

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Its unlikely we'll get full class-specific stories again. The problem with it really is just that, say, if asked to choose between creating 1 6 hour story, or 8 1 hour stories... well, the former is the obvious choice. The almighty budget is just going to make class story quests completely unfeasible moving forward.


The most we'll probably get is more stuff like the Rishi class quests, which weren't fantastic, but did spice things up a bit and added a lot of replayability to the content. Hopefully they'll keep doing those, and maybe making them a bit longer and deeper, as we get more story content.

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On Rishi there is one single mission for each class. We may see more missions in the future.


They hinted at more class specific content in the future if their experiment with the one class story mission worked out, which it seems to have.

Hopefully the next expansion will be closer to a hybrid, with a handful of class specific content spread out across the overall story.

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They hinted at more class specific content in the future if their experiment with the one class story mission worked out, which it seems to have.

Hopefully the next expansion will be closer to a hybrid, with a handful of class specific content spread out across the overall story.


They also hinted at something "better than cross-servers"...

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I really hope Bioware do more class specific story content, it gives the game such a solid way to play... not to mention tons of replay value... I myself am enjoying so much the different class stories right now because of this XP boost... hope it last longer than mention... cuse even though i leveling fast Im sure taking my time to explore the conversation option... the story writing, voice acting and animations sync in them ARE JUST THAT GOOD!


Each time I log on is like sitting down to watch a TV series... the animators, voice actor and the writers deserve a praise for it or at least a really good promotion in their salaries... you can actually tell their is a lot of effort put into it...


This game would have no problem creating a movie from all these incredible stories...


BUT its true... once you finish the class stories... the game loses a bit of that unique exclusive class content luster... as it becomes repetitive...

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I would like continuation of some of the stories, particularly to see how that story continues based on the choices you made. I would also like more conversations with the romance-able companions. I doubt they will ever do anything major with story expansions, however, smaller things such as extra companion conversations are feasible.
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