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Recent occurence trend since transferring to Bastion. Trend here only or..?


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I moved some characters over to Bastion from PoT5 a couple(2-3?) weeks back. I happy with the numbers and frequency of wz pops. I am not happy about how often I see folks run to cap a node, successfully cap it, then leave it totally unguarded. I just left yet another Hypergate, 1 minute into the match, over this brain dead and dysfunctional behavior.

It seems I *always* need to watch and see if the person taking the node....is actually gonna stay and guard the stinking thing? What gives on Bastion? Sure this happened on PoT5 here and there but sheesh, it sure seems a lot more prevalent on Bastion than PoT5>(maybe due to more Q pops lol? :p )

But anyways, as I was cussing this player about what they just did as being a poor choice and how they were begging for a dbl cap by leaving it unguarded yada, yada, yada....(im on my way to take the guard postion while doing this venting)...and it gets capped by other team I was "omw to do their job for them".

Not sure keeping my mouth shut and head down running for node would have saved it or not, so I may be as guilty as them for taking time to cry about it....?

I'm curious if anyone out there who does this on a regular basis can share the mentality/logic for playing in this manner? I hope it's not just "so I can put up big deeps, yo"?

So frustrating to play with people who make you feel that, even though they are not afk....it may as well be 7v8, ya know?:o

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I am not happy about how often I see folks run to cap a node, successfully cap it, then leave it totally unguarded. I just left yet another Hypergate, 1 minute into the match, over this brain dead and dysfunctional behavior.

It seems I *always* need to watch and see if the person taking the node....is actually gonna stay and guard the stinking thing?

Sure this happened on PoT5 here and there but sheesh, it sure seems a lot more prevalent on Bastion than PoT5>(maybe due to more Q pops lol? :p )


LOL No this happened a LOT on Pot5 too! They all had what is called "hero" syndrome. They all think they're going to be the hero to save the warzone. Most wouldn't fight on nodes or even fight for the objectives! *smh* :rolleyes:

I've only had a few do that on Harbinger thankfully.

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No, this is not typical, but it does happen from time to time and is one of those times when i struggle to be nice in want to start throwing insults.

I will call them out for it as politely as possible and try to educate them but the reality is that some people dont really care about win/loss as long as they get thier stats.

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The rule I like to go by is "you cap you guard." I have seen this happen a lot too and have to go save the node. Of course if you need help guarding, then one of your responsibilities as a guard is to call incs. People who aren't guarding though should check the map, look over to the node periodically, and ask if its okay even if they don't hear any calls.
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When I see the node unguarded, then I'm going to guard it - which sometimes leaves an uneasy feeling within me, because my Gunslinger might have a few survivability issues against close combat, but he can also put out quite some damage as well ... Therefore I often fear - when this is the case - that "we" might lose because I can't contribute to the DPS because SOMEONE needs to guard the node ...
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Good thing you're not on Harbinger, things are so bad now with 12x, you can only enjoy pvp if you have nerves of steel!


I went hypergate>alderaan>hypergate yesterday, and in all three warzones people would go and cap and then just leave. I had to constantly watch the map and make sure we had someone guarding, or split off and go guard myself, but then watch people get massacred while I'm guarding and I can't help them.


There is way too much stress doing pvp right now, and unless you have a premade going it's just catastrophic.

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