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A (not so serious ) plea for the return of 2.10. Watchman / Annihilation

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Ardarell_Solo’s Real Life main toon: [quietly munches his breakfast bagel, obviously absorbed in thought]


Ardarell_Solo’s Real Life main toon’s girlfriend: Are you alright, honey? You seem absorbed in thought…


ASRLMT: What? Me? No!


ASRLMTGF: Ah, come on, I can always tell!


He [aside, in a Frank Underwoodian manner]: Oh, yeah she can!


She: It’s that game again, ain’t it? What is it this time?


He: Well that’s not what I was thinking about (coughs). But, since you’re asking: I’m still uncomfortable with the changes they've been making to the Jedi class I’m playing…


She: Seriously? You’ve been going on about this for over half a year now. Don’t you think it’s time you put your unrest to rest?


He: Well I’d like to. It’s just that it bothers me more than I like to admit…


She [suddenly switching to empathy mode like only she can]: Hey, I’m really sorry for you. And I’ve been thinking about your brooding about this. It may be a crazy idea, but couldn’t you just pay money to get your old Jedi back?


He: No, no, you can’t, it doesn’t work that way!! Besides, we’d better save any amount it would take for our boy’s college education, don’t you think?


She [smiling]: You mean his education at Gamer’s college?


[Fade in sitcom laughter]


He: [leaves the table with a forced smile and trudges downstairs to his gaming cave …]




Of course this got me wondering: What if I actually could?


So I did some soul searching that morning, asking myself: Which amount of money would I seriously be willing to pay, if that would bring back 2.10. Watchman. Just like that.


The amount I arrived at surprised me. But, in all honesty, it would be worth 250€ to me (that’s about 275 US Dollars).


(Ok, honey I know, that’s more than the shoes I bought you for Christmas, but, hey, you don’t have an SWTOR account so you can’t read this, right? RIGHT?)


Now I’m curious, if I’m alone in being that crazy: How much money would YOU pay, if you could bring back 2.10. Watchman / Annihilation with that?


Of course this will be purely hypothetical. I will be counting the theoretical amount at the end of this post, just for laughs. Let me assure you and everyone watching us, that this is NOT an attempt to collect money or bribe any Developer. (Ok, wait a minute: What if they actually approached me privately and asked me to hand in that money? Would I have to go to jail if I actually did that? Probably…)



ASRLMTGF: Honey, what are you up to downstairs?!?


ASRLMT: Nothing, sweetness, just doing some dailys…



Ok, where was I? Money. So, without further ado:


The non official “bring back 2.10. Watchman / Annihilation player’s fund” currently stands at:


US$: 2140 and a bottle of Kilchorman and a crate of Störtebeker Bernstein beer and one fine bottle of Mellydooker Velvet Glove Shiraz red wine

Participants: 5



Note: I will be counting up any posts that I think are a “serious” enough.


Note 2: In case anyone is unsure: This is satire. No collecting, bribing or anything likewise is going to happen. No maiming or cannibalism either!

Edited by Ardarell_Solo
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Your gf's a Guardian isn't she? :|


*g* I guess you could say that ;-)


on topic - If i'm gona pay for anything, it's to have it better than 2.10

but uhhh, what the hell... i'll match your 275, u got a deadline for this? XD


Thanks for your call, Sir, ur updated!

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=) Brought a genuine smile on !


Not sure I was playing back then but if 2.10 means cancelling the ignominy of having been turned into a dot tracker, then yesbringitonalreadyipayanythingyouwantnao!

I know I'd happily return to a more dynamic 6 sec cauterize, or big ask - and I'm being totally unreasonable here - but maybe (just maybe) in the future BW could design encounters bearing in mind non discriminatory melee movement ? ...

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Sadly I found out I enjoy AP Powertech almost as much as I used to love 2.X Watchman. Is that cheating? TBH I look forward to 3.2.1, I hope I can make something out of their ***** dottracking whatevercopy mess. If they only ever listened to us...
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Sadly I found out I enjoy AP Powertech almost as much as I used to love 2.X Watchman. Is that cheating? TBH I look forward to 3.2.1, I hope I can make something out of their ***** dottracking whatevercopy mess. If they only ever listened to us...



dont tell them that

I'll have to answer more questions if they all run off to AP!


then again, if thats the case, it just means my input on how watchman needs to be looked at just got more legitimate, simply cause its apparently supposed to play a lot like AP/Tactics :p

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dont tell them that

I'll have to answer more questions if they all run off to AP!


then again, if thats the case, it just means my input on how watchman needs to be looked at just got more legitimate, simply cause its apparently supposed to play a lot like AP/Tactics :p


Watchman and AP/Tactics are 2 different worlds in playstyle, I just found out I enjoy them both

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Watchman and AP/Tactics are 2 different worlds in playstyle, I just found out I enjoy them both


I agree, and they should be. I enjoyed leveling Tactics until shoulder cannon. That spamming is just too much Combat/Carnage like button mashing for my taste.


And who wants to play a melee class that can't leap? ;-)


Ok, Hold the line may just be more efficient these days, but fun wise leaping to an enemy, lightsabers out (lightsabers!), is just... priceless! ;-)


On a more serious note I like the constant flow that Watchman has (or rather had) better than those spikes you get in Tactics when you wait to synchronize Combat Focus & Adrenal with shoulder cannon. I just hate adapting that stuff to mechanics, lazy me ^^ Watchman used to be very steady to play, the challenge was in micromanagement.

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On a more serious note I like the constant flow that Watchman has (or rather had) better than those spikes you get in Tactics when you wait to synchronize Combat Focus & Adrenal with shoulder cannon. I just hate adapting that stuff to mechanics, lazy me ^^ Watchman used to be very steady to play, the challenge was in micromanagement.


Oh definately this. I felt the same way about valorous call that you feel about having to deal with Combat Focus. Its a great offensive cooldown, but you have to use it properly.


As for shoulder cannon, my solution was to map it to a mouse button. Instead of spamming a key, I just click like mad!

Edited by TACeMossie
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do you guys really speak English while sitting around the house?


Anyway, you can sign me up $500 for now :)


Thank you, Sir, your payment has been added ;-)


And yes, we actually do speak English around the house - but only on Thursdays, so I kinda (very) roughly translated our German conversation ;-) Why do we do it and why on Thursdays? We both love speaking English and we try to practice, cause we don't get to speak English often enough since our time at school/university. Why Thursdays? I honestly don't remember ^^

Edited by Ardarell_Solo
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Pack 100 € von mir plus einer Kasten Störtebeker Bernstein Weizen drauf. Deutsches Bier wird als Druckmittel schon stark helfen.


Add 100€ plus a beer crate Störtebeker Bernstein Weizen on top. German beer as a leverage will help.

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Pack 100 € von mir plus einer Kasten Störtebeker Bernstein Weizen drauf. Deutsches Bier wird als Druckmittel schon stark helfen.


Add 100€ plus a beer crate Störtebeker Bernstein Weizen on top. German beer as a leverage will help.


Lecker. Heißt: Thanks, you've been included :-)

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Excellent initiative my shorts-wearing friend! (Germans still only wear shorts right? :confused:) You can sign me up for the $500 on the condition they STAY AWAY from altering the spec in any way shape or form in the future. :rolleyes:


Greatest thread 2015 :o

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Excellent initiative my shorts-wearing friend! (Germans still only wear shorts right? :confused:) You can sign me up for the $500 on the condition they STAY AWAY from altering the spec in any way shape or form in the future. :rolleyes:


Greatest thread 2015 :o


Of course we do only wear shorts, since we're a nation of soccer players! And our national team still consists of 11 Kuntz ;-))


Meaning: You're included, thx ;-)


And, Oofalong, as we always say: Cheers ;-)

Edited by Ardarell_Solo
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2.10 Watchman/Anni wasn't even that great. The game changes, specs change, abilities get added, abilities get removed. Deal with it. If today's Watchman/Anni was parsing 5500~5600 DPS on a CONSISTENT basis, would anyone really be complaining? *Crickets* ROFL, exactly, /thread. Edited by revcrisis
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2.10 Watchman/Anni wasn't even that great. The game changes, specs change, abilities get added, abilities get removed. Deal with it. If today's Watchman/Anni was parsing 5500~5600 DPS on a CONSISTENT basis, would anyone really be complaining? *Crickets* ROFL, exactly, /thread.



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If today's Watchman/Anni was parsing 5500~5600 DPS on a CONSISTENT basis, would anyone really be complaining? *Crickets* ROFL, exactly, /thread.


Hell I would, cause that'd be completely imbalanced.


I don't care about DPS as long as the spec is fun to play. So I also played it in times when Combat was considered THE only raiding spec. Because it was fun and I'll gladly work my a** off to make a spec work as long as doing so is fun. This build is just not, whatever DPS is.


If you got the attitude your post is displaying, fine, but speak for yourself then...

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I don't care about DPS as long as the spec is fun to play. So I also played it in times when Combat was considered THE only raiding spec. Because it was fun and I'll gladly work my a** off to make a spec work as long as doing so is fun. This build is just not, whatever DPS is.

I just don't agree with everyone thinking 2.10 Watchman/Anni was the pinnacle of the spec. It was honestly quite boring and predictable. It wasn't some complex and thought provoking spec to play. If anything, Carnage in early 2.0 was much harder to play to perfection - making sure not to overlap your 2 gore windows, identifying the execute proc early, praying to RNG gods. This is why paying $500 to revert to some mediocre version of the spec is laughable.


Anyways, I'm glad they added a 3rd DoT in Anni. If you look at most of the other class' disciplines, they all have 3 DoTs to manage - at least they're being consistent. Sure, the spec could use some fine tuning in terms of rage management, but what spec is perfect right now? Engineering is a complete mess but since it parses so high no one really complains. Many specs got completely overhauled with the new discipline system. Stop living in the past, it's a new expansion, embrace the changes.

Edited by revcrisis
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I just don't agree with everyone thinking 2.10 Watchman/Anni was the pinnacle of the spec. It was honestly quite boring and predictable. It wasn't some complex and thought provoking spec to play. If anything, Carnage in early 2.0 was much harder to play to perfection - making sure not to overlap your 2 gore windows, identifying the execute proc early, praying to RNG gods. This is why paying $500 to revert to some mediocre version of the spec is laughable.


Anyways, I'm glad they added a 3rd DoT in Anni. If you look at most of the other class' disciplines, they all have 3 DoTs to manage - at least they're being consistent. Sure, the spec could use some fine tuning in terms of rage management, but what spec is perfect right now? Engineering is a complete mess but since it parses so high no one really complains. Many specs got completely overhauled with the new discipline system. Stop living in the past, it's a new expansion, embrace the changes.


You should embrace Engineering ;-) I enjoy it a lot and play every HM encounter on my slinger with it.


My guess: I hadn't played Engineering pre 3.0., you probably had.


Go figure... ;-)


I disagree specs should be consistent, I'd prefer each spec to be unique. 3.X WM is a blueprint of other dot specs. That's exactly what a lot of players don't like.


As for 2.10. WM: Playing it at 95% was not that hard, I give you that. But the last 5% were as difficult as playing Combat to 75%. So: Steeper learning curve on Combat, sure, but squeezing everything out of WM was as big a challenge. Difference to now being you could actually influence that. Atm WM is just about passive resource generation coming at the right moments.

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