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We need a countdown to the end of the free 30 days


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Yes. Just 25 more days. And then we will see what their press release says about how much this game is 'growing'.


25 days. Count `em.


yeah they brag about how many subs they have well they have them on paper till the 30 days run out then count the paying customers


dont count your chickens before they hatch

Edited by lethal_ghost
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You won't need a counter, you'll see the difference.


Instead of passing one person while out questing, you won't see anyone for a week. And the hours it takes to find a group already, will take days.


And that's just the fanboys, because everyone else won't make it past two weeks of this broken game.

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A good chuck, but i had to buy a 2 month gamecard because i don't have a credid card that i could use, and i bet there are alot of others like me.


If the game keeps up with me like i does now, i won't regret it, but i was kinda pissed-off about the ordeal.


I even began to love the star wars universe and it's lore, i saw the movies but never realy bothered with it.

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25 more days and we can say goodbye to a good chunk of the naysayers of this forum who complain constantly how much they hate this game....




....just 25 more days


I've seen this exact same kind of statement in multiple failed mmos. Ultimately, you'll wish they didn't leave when your game goes F2P.

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Yea, I'm not too worried about it. Years and years on the WoW forums, of people's faces being slapped, threats of people taking their 215 friends with them with they leave, and yet.. their subscription #'s just grew. That.. and the % of posters is typically the very vocal minority. The majority don't know nor care about the forum.
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