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I miss the old days


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I just recently started playing this game again a couple days ago, but I am deeply saddened by some experiences that used to be there that most likely will never return, most notably, world pvp.


Prophecy of the Five seems like an absolute wasteland. I miss the days of waiting in clutch locations on tatooine for my victims on a jedi shadow. There was so many players that you weren't safe at any point of any pvp planet...now, I'm lucky to find like 5 people on the empire side on tatooine and considering they are/were the most popular faction...i'm assuming there's a lot less on the republic.


It's a hard pill to swallow when that was literally the only thing I played the game for and it is forever gone. It's like when WoW became casual and southshore battles dissipated...now that was a stab in the gut and i'm kind of feeling the same way now.


EDIT: I should mention, other then the serious bugs back then, this game might've been something. The only reason I quit was because the game didn't run well and the bugs were pretty serious...it's sad to see what it has become. I truly think this game has came a long way and has improved a lot but unfortunately, unless they introduce like darth vader or something...it's going to be veryyy quiet..


As a long time WoW player, it was always casual. EQ was not, that's why I played WoW and not EQ. What ruined Tarren Mill/Southshore? Battlegrounds. People would rather an instance with fair(ish) teams and an objective than simply beating the crap out of one another. I wonder why?

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I agree with the OP. I truly miss the days of Wow where it added a bit of excitement not knowing if the enemy is around the corner or waiting behind some tree to attack me, or vice versa. : ) I'm on Bastion, a pvp server, and just recently I leveled a Bounty Hunter all the way from 1-60 and through the entire leveling process, I saw only 1, yes 1, member of the opposing faction in my journey. That was on Hoth. I think Bioware's idea of putting in phased area's that hide's you from each other, even though your both standing on the exact same spot ruined that pvp element in the game. I got burned out on WoW so I'll probably never go back but I do have fond memories of that play style. Here, all you have are weak enemy's that you just kill over and over that really don't leave a long lasting impression.


Better than rolling a pub on the same server, stumbling into a couple dozen imps, and every single one of them running from a fight.


It's either "I'm thirty levels higher than you so I am gonna kill you" or "I'm the same level as you, but I am too much of a wuss to pvp on a pvp server"....

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