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The Title: Darth. How Do You Get It?


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In the Old Republic Era, how is a Lord of the Sith selected, to be conferred the title Darth?


Is there a ceremony?


Lord Kallig was given his title on the spot after defeating Thanaton. He was conferred the title by Darth Marr, so that he may take up Thanaton's seat on the Dark Council. What about all of them other Darths that aren't on the Dark Council, but are Darths. How did they get selected for the promotion?


I was thinking it might be something like, one Dark Council member nominates someone, and if two or three others say, "Yeah, he should be a Darth." Then it's a done deal, but I got that idea from watching Lord Kallig become Darth Nox.


Is there a more formal way? Does anyone know?

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In the Old Republic Era, how is a Lord of the Sith selected, to be conferred the title Darth?


Is there a ceremony?


Lord Kallig was given his title on the spot after defeating Thanaton. He was conferred the title by Darth Marr, so that he may take up Thanaton's seat on the Dark Council. What about all of them other Darths that aren't on the Dark Council, but are Darths. How did they get selected for the promotion?


I was thinking it might be something like, one Dark Council member nominates someone, and if two or three others say, "Yeah, he should be a Darth." Then it's a done deal, but I got that idea from watching Lord Kallig become Darth Nox.


Is there a more formal way? Does anyone know?

In general, I think a member of the Dark Council is able to officially confer the title to any Sith Lord the Councilor finds worthy.


Then there are individuals who claim the title for themselves and the Dark Council acquiesces (though most times that'll lead to the upstart getting smacked them down for their insolence, so they had better make sure they've got the goods to back up their claim).

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So, if a Dark Councilor thought you were kick-@55, and thought you deserved it, he/she could grant the title unilaterally. No questions asked.


Or if a Lord of the Sith thought he was kick-@55, and thought he/she deserved it, then he/she would announce to the Sith world, "Hey! I'm Darth Kick-@55!"


If the Dark Council agrees, then O.K., but if not, then he has troubles like Darth Grathon did. Is that about right?

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So, if a Dark Councilor thought you were kick-@55, and thought you deserved it, he/she could grant the title unilaterally. No questions asked.


Or if a Lord of the Sith thought he was kick-@55, and thought he/she deserved it, then he/she would announce to the Sith world, "Hey! I'm Darth Kick-@55!"


If the Dark Council agrees, then O.K., but if not, then he has troubles like Darth Grathon did. Is that about right?


Yah, for the most part, also the Sith kind of have a you keep what you kill policy, so Kick-@55 can kill a Darth and gain the status that way as well. (granted it has to be by the rules of the Empire and sith custom)

Edited by gothshark
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