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Are Jedi Guardians really all Jedi Guardians?


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I can see no reason for anyone to object to that. I don't think there's any in-universe rule about how many lightsabers a Sentinel has to wield or what kind of armour they wear (and you can adjust your armour look anyway, if you want to), so the rest is down to how your character acts and the role they perform as Jedi - both of which are entirely up to you. I wouldn't expect it to come up too often in roleplay anyway.
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Yeah. I wanted to roleplay a tech savvy jedi who forgoes simple robes for a suit of power armor he designed himself. The force is great, but always have backup is the motto. That kind of cross trained skill seems to be better for a sentinel than a guardian.
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So KOTOR Jedi had guardians, sentinels, and consulars, right? But when you read wikis like http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Jedi_Sentinel you realize that the SWTOR classes only loosely fit in some ways. If I wanted to RP my guardian game class as a sentinel or my sentinel as a consular, would this be story acceptable or are the in-game classes really what you are?


My Guardian is actually a Jedi Watchman. Yet another class that has been reduced to a mere discipline. fml.


There is nothing preventing you from doing that what you set out to do. But, do keep in mind: it's not the utilities that determine whether you are a Consular, a Watchman or whatever. It's your mindset. A Consular will choose the peaceful approach via diplomacy, negotiations etc. A Guardian will prefer Witch Hunter mentality. A Watchman will prefer to guard the persons of great note from the shadows. A Shadow is a reciprocal value of a Watchman. A Sentinel is jack of all trades that often uses tech to his advantage.


The mindset is important, not the tools! Never forget!

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The mindset is important, not the tools! Never forget!


A good way of looking at it. One Jedi might be a tank because he wants to protect people, the next maybe feels he has to keep himself alive so he can help others later...

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The best (and most confusing) part of all this is? Shadows are sentinels, not consulars. Yes, seriously.




Though I would like to note that Watchmen actually are sentinels, so at least that much they got right. It's broken up like this:


Sentinel - Yellow Lightsabers, frequently has oddball specializations that don't fit with the other two

Investigators, Recruiters, Shadows, and Watchmen


Guardian - Blue Lightsabers, focus on combat

Exotic weapons specialists, Lightsaber Instructors, Jedi Aces (pilots), and Jedi Peacekeepers


Consular - Green Lightsabers, focus on diplomacy and the study of the force

Ambassador, Artisan, Diplomat, Healer, Lore Keeper, Researcher, Seer


No requirements about lightsaber type. If anything, I'd probably have gameplay Sentinels and Shadows as Guardians, gameplay Guardians as Sentinels, and gemeplay Sages as Consulars for RP purposes. The fancy weapons work well with the concept of a Guardian, if anyone's going to be running around in heavy plate, it'll be a Sentinel, and you'd expect a consular to have light robes and a simple lightsaber. That's just me, though. Heck, with adaptive armor, even what your character is wearing doesn't matter. Just choose stuff that fits your character concept.

Edited by JamagsAwesome
Correcting a spelling error
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Your have to remember they had "consolidate" things here to make room for the other classes.


Its stuff like this that had under the old labyrinthine cannon rules the comment that things that result from video games for the purposes of mechanics are not Canon.

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