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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

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Did you look at the time stamp?


I'm responding to recent posts about not being able to log into the harbinger after the fact that Tat mentioned it was going to be shut down yet again. I was actually online for 3 hours while getting the kick notice of 15 minutes before shut down. Thus meaning the server has been down for roughly half an hour now. Meaning players are freaking not smart for not paying attention to something that is available to everyone to look at at any given time of the day. Instead, they whine, moan, complain and mass spam threads with nonsense. We all know it's down. We all know people get stuck on the splash screen. But making us more aware of a situation we're all highly aware of since 13 hours or so ago is useless.

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Got home from work and cant get passed the first loading screen.I see this been going on all day lol, you think we'll get something for subs............. I doubt it very much.lol Edited by Skummy
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This really is crap. The server has been down all day. I have been home sick today and didnt even get to play...What a waste of a sick day. I dump around $100 a month in the Harbinger economy and I am so pissed that I am looking for another game right now. To be clear, a non EA game.
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This really is crap. The server has been down all day. I have been home sick today and didnt even get to play...What a waste of a sick day. I dump around $100 a month in the Harbinger economy and I am so pissed that I am looking for another game right now. To be clear, a non EA game.

Yeah, it's pretty ridiculous at this point.

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There better be some type of compensation for this, either a free day of sub, or some gifts from the CM.
Now, i'm not as serious of a player as some of you on the forums, in the sense that I don't know devs by name and follow their actions and what not, but it doesn't seem to be in their nature, from what I've read, to give us any compensation for this... I'm always willing to be wrong.
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Swtor players: You've changed nothing. Your efforts have not gained the attention of those who manage these servers. That which you know as the 'harbinger' server will remain down without announcement until management decides otherwise. Releasing control.
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What's really sad about this..... They are prolly going to shut us down for maintenance tonight too. LOL ah well....such is the life of an MMO please reimburse us playing time Devs. If they give us that I cant really B*tch about anything.
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Swtor players: You've changed nothing. Your efforts have not gained the attention of those who manage these servers. That which you know as the 'harbinger' server will remain down without announcement until management decides otherwise. Releasing control.



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And got off when I found my legacy doesn't seem to carry over.


Correct. Legacies are silo'd per server. Only way to get them on another server is to transfer a character from Harbinger to the new server, but even then, once the transferred character is on the new server, the Legacies on each server become discrete entites that will forevermore be separate. Think of them then as clones or binary fission. :D

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