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Toggleable Hoods


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In the Outfit Designer, can we PLEASE have the option to Toggle Hoods. Particularly for Twi'leks who CAN'T ever have their hoods up. Like make it so their Lekku wrap around to the front so they can have their hoods up. But especially for RP, it'd be nice to put our hoods up and down.
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Considering numerous companions have hoods automatically removed for them, as well as Twi'leks, there can be no arguing that every chest piece has a hoodless graphic attached to it. I could care less about having the hood hang down the back, or appear at all. I simply want the option to have it gone, period. No graphics changes would need to be made at all, as far as I can tell, if they just added a toggle to the appearance windows to hide the hood in the same manner as is done for Twi'leks and companions who cannot wear hoods. It is LONG overdue and should have been included in the outfit designer. But then again, they had to know we would want companions to have the outfit designer as well....I would find it utterly implausible that they weren't aware of how many people would kill to get their companions back in individualized gear over the very nice but uniform 192 sets.


I'm sure it's in the works, just as hiding headpieces entirely and unifying colors was added to companions well after players had it. It just annoys me a bit that they chose not to release those features together. As well as appearance weapons....the only thing that needed to be done with appearance weapons for the outfit designer was a limitation that the weapon had to remain class-usable to meet animation requirements. Saying it's more difficult due to animations for the class is the same BS Sony tried to feed EQ2 customers years ago...and amazingly, weapons were added in with no big problems to the appearance slots eventually. I would prefer the pronouncement of "We just didn't have the time to pull it together" over "We can't do it easily due to great technical difficulties" when there is no reason there should BE great technical difficulties unless their code is subpar. Which I just don't believe to be the case.

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Considering numerous companions have hoods automatically removed for them, as well as Twi'leks, there can be no arguing that every chest piece has a hoodless graphic attached to it. I could care less about having the hood hang down the back, or appear at all. I simply want the option to have it gone, period. No graphics changes would need to be made at all, as far as I can tell, if they just added a toggle to the appearance windows to hide the hood in the same manner as is done for Twi'leks and companions who cannot wear hoods..


This ^^ So many great outfits in my collection that I don't use because of the hood. I really dislike hoods :mad: At least add a covert helmet as a work around!

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The best you're ever going to get is to find two chest pieces that look as identical as possible aside from the hood state, then put on one designer tab and the other on another tab and toggle between the tabs.


"Lekku wrapping" sounds totally unrealistic in terms of the game's mechanics.

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The best you're ever going to get is to find two chest pieces that look as identical as possible aside from the hood state, then put on one designer tab and the other on another tab and toggle between the tabs.


"Lekku wrapping" sounds totally unrealistic in terms of the game's mechanics.


I agree that we aren't going to see special hood down or up graphics that aren't already in existence. But every hooded chestpiece DOES have a separate hood removed appearance already, because we can use those chestpieces on characters and companions for whom the hood doesn't show. A toggle should be perfectly doable.

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