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Newcomer RP looking for Guild/RP Friends


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Hey guys :)

I am very interested into starting RP (mostly cause Weekly progress raiding isn't much fun and not doable as I'm working) so I'm looking for a friendly Guild / some Guys that'll help me get into the world of RP.

I am mostly interested into Military (Republic or Imp doesn't matter), but would also try and join the Jedi / Sith order (need some praxis there).

I can play almost every class to 60 or transfer from German T3 Server, doesn't matter.

Hopin for friendly answers.

Greets David

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Hi always great to see new people trying RP.

I'm just moving to EU servers and I'm just finishing levelling so haven't found a guild myself.

Don't know if you've found this but have you tried http://www.swtor-rp.com/ quite a good website if haven't found it already.

Wish you the best with finding what your looking for though.

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I just moved to the European servers also looking for rp maybe we should all get together and make an episode guild?


Yeah that's something I'd probably be interested in.

Might sound silly but what you mean by 'episode' guild?

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