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Trying to understand Deadly Saber, please clarify for me


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Charges your lightsabers with deadly energy for 15 seconds, causing your next 3 successful melee attacks to make the target bleed for 402 internal damage over 6 seconds. Stacks up to 3 times. This effect cannot occur more than once every 1.5 seconds.


I'm trying to understand fully on this, please please correct me if I'm wrong.

1) The stacking:

the cooldown is 12 seconds i believe,

so I have a 3 second window to apply another deadly saber,

and hence increase the bleed damge from 402 to 804?

and 3rd stack will have bleed at 1206?


2) The next 3 successful melee attacks incur the bleed effect:

I'm assuming this doesn't include force scream, etc.

but what about regular "Assault", does it apply the bleed? i'm assuming it does.


3) I'm trying to understand "this effect cannot occur more than once every 1.5 seconds".

Have no clue what that means.

Does it mean that the "melee" attack that creates the bleed cannot occur every 1.5 seconds?

If this is the case I think I tried to applied the bleed effect too soon,

cause I "charge", hit deadly saber while I'm in the air, hit battering assault,

and then I don't wait for the animation of the battering assult to finish (cause the 6 rage is obtained even if I don't finish the animation), and hit my next attack.


4) since Ravage is a 3 second cast, should I do it last of the 3 attacks?

I'm only lvl 29 atm. should I even use ravage? should I use viscous strike?

I don't seem to use viscous strike due to it uses up rage.

Edited by Crawfishies
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Hi , i'll try and clarify it for you



What happens is when you use deadly saber , it gives you a buff that lets you apply a dot on the target for each melee attack. the buff lasts 15 seconds or 3 applications and vanishes if you didn't apply all stacks.

Basicaly to make things simple lets say the dot tics for 200 , one application 200 , then you hit again it will apply another one , so 400 a tic , then the 3rd one , 600 a tic . So basicaly yes you got it right. 3 stacks on a target will bring it down really fast ,especialy if you use berserk.


2. so far what i've found that triggers it : assault , battering assault , annihilate , force leap , vicious strike , ravage ( potentialy 3 stacks from a ravage as it hits 3 times )


3. I think what they mean by that is that you cannot reaply one stack straight away with off gcd abilities like retaliation. I apply my DS while flying to the enemy as well and had a 2nd stack applied when using battering assault in general.


4. Ravage is nice in pve and should be used after rupture and you had the stacks of deadly saber applied , especially when you don't have annihilate, in pvp i used it scarcely because of the fact that it roots you and a target running away from you will most likely avoid the last hit. if the target is really low though , the first 2 hits are almost guarantied hits as they are fast , so its still viable. A thing to know in pvp is if you are fighting a melee and he's after you , you can use this skill and even if the guy circles you while you are chanelling it will still hit even if the guy is in your back as long as you don't move.


I scarcely used vicious strike early on , except when all skills where on cooldown and i tried to reset rupture's cooldown. After that , annihilate is better.

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Ok, so i was incorrect on point #1)


so basically I have 6 seconds to reapply and keep the stacks up at 3,

well actually 4.5 seconds (after the 3rd stack, you can't reapply until 1.5 seconds).


And using berserk,

I get crits for the bleeds.

how much increase in damage I get if the tick is currently at say 600?

Edited by Crawfishies
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"this effect cannot occur more than once every 1.5 seconds"


This is the only part of this ability that confuses me. I will be getting this ability next level so wanna make sure i fully understand it.


Does this mean that after hitting them with one stock i have to wait 1.5 seconds before attacking or the 2nd stock wont be applied?


Or am i totally off.

Edited by Sith-Knight
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"this effect cannot occur more than once every 1.5 seconds"


This is the only part of this ability that confuses me. I will be getting this ability next level so wanna make sure i fully understand it.


Does this mean that after hitting them with one stock i have to wait 1.5 seconds before attacking or the 2nd stock wont be applied?


Or am i totally off.


If I recall correctly, the GCD is 1.5seconds anyways. So, roll from one attack into the next.


My rotation since getting it has been charge, deadly saber while in the air, battering assault, rupture, vicious slash, and then alternate assault and VS until DS pops again, and then I start over. I have never had a problem of getting my 3 stacks of DS on the target in the allotted time. I am not sure if force scream, or deadly throw will trigger it, as I rarely use those now. I think smash does though, so I guess the throw would. I expect FS won't, as it says melee attack in the description for deadly saber. I don't bother with ravage at all, I don't like being rooted in spot, even in pve (and I found the dmg sub-par in comparison to my normal rotation.)

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It means the bleed can only be applied every 1.5 seconds, it does not matter what attack you use to apply it as long as it is a melee attack.




Deadly Saber / Assault (applies one stack of the dot) / Assault (doesn't apply because its only been 1 second) / Assault (applies second stack of the dot) / Assault (no dot stack) / Assault (third stack of dot)...


Simple math shows you that 1.5 second is .5 seconds longer than the global cooldown of any attack, so in essence deadly saber applies the first melee attack and then stacks 2 more times every second attack...

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