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Isotope 5 robot


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How do you defeat this guy no matter. What I try I keep dying


Which one? If it's Toborro's then yes, avoid insta death by getting behind it in time, though doesn't that thing have a different name?


If it's the Imp side one you fight in Stronghold one, iirc you need to click the things on the, uh, walkways above it. Two and they should spill something on the droid that destroys the the shield making it invulnerable -- t also activates droids attacking you and the droid shoots more and more rockets at you the more often you do it (Since you'll have multiple phases of this) so be careful there. And if you're using a melee companion, put them on passive when the droid becomes invulnerable or they'll keep standing in its aoe there while uselessly attacking :/ Also, use the auto turrets-- they terminals to reprogramme them are on the left and right walls.

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