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Jedi cove good for ranked solo?


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Hello, I am currently leveling my 55 sniper to 60 I plan on playing as marks and am curious when I'm fully geared should I que for solo ranked? Or just be a reg hero sniper? As long as I can do well in a solo ranked I'll happily pull the plow with my teeth. And I have pretty thick skin so I'm not worried about rage whispers.
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my finger isn't on the pulse of yolo the past 2 seasons, but even so, I don't think it's very active at all. there's no guarantee that pops will happen any given night. and that's a HUGE change from when I left. you could expect 2-5 hours of yolo almost every night s1-2 on JC and s3 on JM. now, if it's going on, it's very quiet.
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Warzones have always been consistent until the wee hours of the morning. Imperials are pretty dominant until they want to get their pub's dailies done. Solos don't really pick up until rewards announcements and/or the end of the season for last-minute elo grinding... Even then it takes a lot of organizing. Plus 12x stole away a lot of people for the time being, but that will balance out when people get bored of leveling.
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