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Sith Warrior Storyline - Chapter 3 <spoiler>


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Currently working on the Sith Warrior storyline, have completed all the other classes through chapter 3.


One thing that is puzzling to me is - a line in the dialogue tells the warrior that one advantage she has is that Darth Baras doesn't know she is still alive. Now, having read quite a few Star Wars novels, all the movies so far, etc .,most of them contain ample evidence of masters and apprentices sharing a certain bond that they can sense each other in the force, at least if they are still alive. Both Jedi and Sith seemed to be able to do this , in Bane's era, down to it being mentioned in the Darth Plagueis novel.


Are they able to hide their presence in the force in the SWTOR era, or is this a talent that only the later "rule of two" sith developed? If not, wouldn't Baras still know that his apprentice was still alive?

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Yea, it's pretty much the writer dropping the ball and forgetting that force-sensitives can force-sense other force-sensitives, especially if they spend a lot of time with each other.


You could theoretically argue that because 99% of the time you're not actually with Darth Corpulent (due to the "fetch 10 bear asses" nature of MMO's), you never develop that force-bond, though. It's why, for handling the apprentice/padawan angle, the Jedi are much better written/handled: they're on Tython to do their trials, which obviously entails not being helped by their master.

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This kinda bugged me, too. You spend part of the story trying to draw Jaesa out, including the option to destroy those dearest to her because she'll sense it and come running right into the trap you're laying.


Then fast forward, Baras doesn't know you're still alive. *Head scratch*.


I think it's just an "oops" on the writers' part, but as already mentioned it can be rather easily explained away that you just don't spend enough time with Baras to form any kind of bond. The fact that he possibly intended to use and then discard you all along helps with this. After all, as soon as he sent you to deal with his first spy you already knew too much. The warrior was probably marked for death as far as Baras' plans were concerned as soon as you left Balmorra, if not sooner.

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thing is sensing people through the force ISN'T foolproof. consider ROTJ, Vader sensed Luke's precense on Endor...


Palpatine DID NOT. likewise sensing presumably has range limits, (given Vader didn't immediatly show up on Tatooine a week after Obi-wan settled there) and you're never in the same star system as Baras until the very end

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I had the same thought many times throughout the game whenever a force sensitive doesn't sense another. It's probably largely ignored so writers aren't "hindered" in the story they want to tell.


Oh, I can just copy this from a blog post I wrote some time ago but never published. I kind of went on a rant about the inconsistencies in the game but I'll only post the relevant part (I guess the Lord Scourge/Emperor Vitiate part is also partly relevant but I won't post it).


Inconsistencies bug me, I can’t help it. So playing SWTOR can be pretty frustrating at times, and that’s not even taking into account other issues. As an Agent, Darth Jadus tells you that the Force creates bonds through emotions and since he didn’t care about his daughter, that is why he didn’t feel her death (if you took this path). Yet, as far as I know, you don’t have to have any kind of emotional bond to feel through the Force. Jedi and Sith seem to be able to feel each other even if they have never before met in person, like when Malgus felt a stabbing-like pain when Aryn Leneer was nearby in the craptastic book called Deceived; or like in the Knight story when you go to face Lord Praven and he can sense how powerful you are. If you gain level in Dark alignment as a Jedi Knight, Satele can sense this and even speaks about it to you a few times, though I guess there can be some emotional bond there since you are working together. There’s that quest on Balmorra in Cave 52, or whatever the number is, where, if you are playing a Sith, you can reach out with the Force and sense the people the Republic/Resistance is hiding and you can feel how weak in the Force they are. Darth Baras reaches out with the Force during a class quest on Hoth to find his old lightsaber that was taken by, I think it was Jedi Xerender, so does Baras have an emotional attachment to his lightsaber? Well, knowing Baras, he probably does. There is a Warrior quest on Belsavis where you are supposed to go to a library but when you get there, the door is sealed shut with a Jedi inside; this Jedi can sense your presence.


Now that we have new content, I'd be able to add to this such as how certain characters can tell Lana Beniko that they sense she's no threat. when they meet her on Manaan. Lana can sense Stivastin. Darth Arkous can sense your character on Manaan, pretty sure for both factions so you can't say it's because you were working with him. There are other lines throughout where an NPC will tell you they sense the truth of your words, or something similar; one being the Jedi Knight quest on Quesh with the former Dark Council member. Satele can sense the darkness in the Jedi Knight but no one other than Lord Vivicar notices it in the Consular, nor do they know the Consular is lying about killing (if you take that route, obviously). I can only assume that's because it wasn't the story they wanted to tell with the Consular so they ignored it.

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There is even bigger elephant in this china shop. Even bigger than Darth Baras. Fast forward to Corellia, Baras' Lair:


Remember Entity? Remember how it(?) allows him not only to see future, but every likely tangent as well. That's why he huried you to Korriban. Because he saw his chance at becoming the Voice. He really is all knowing. Now, rewind to Quesh, beggining of Act 3.




Really, the whole Act 3 sucks and looks like it was written in a week(IF a week!). Idk about you, but I'd prefer if they just rewrote it into something more sensible. Kinda reminds me of TSL(KoTOR 2). Without TSLRCM(Restored Content), it is so confusing and as full of holes as the swiss cheese is. But when you apply the RCM...WOW! Hence, I have doubts and suspicions that whole parts of SW story have been cut. Which is kinda proved already seeing how you can't kill...you know whom(and you used to be able to!). Whole scenes were removed, dialogues etc. I have a hunch that it wasn't the only part removed.

Edited by Cuiwe
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Sensing with the Force also means being open, doesn't it? A schemer like Baras is going to keep all defenses up at all times so no competitor can sense his own plans, even if it means he's getting less warning about far-away things through the Force. That's why he has a spy network anyway.
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