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LOVE STORY MODE - Thank you!


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I am really loving the 12X XP and story line mode for subscribers that is live right now. I feel like I'm playing KOTOR again. When leveling I try to do all missions in one area before moving to the next and the story gets lost. I am enjoying the stories much more. It's a much more immersive experience.


Thank you!

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I agree; these EXP bonuses are what always bring me back to the game.


Although that's kind of both a blessing and a curse, since I'm mostly interested in SWTOR for the story content, and after I've played through all of them (I'm on my last class now) and recorded all the footage because I'm slightly mad, I'm not sure what I'll have left to do. I suppose I could grow to enjoy PvP, since all the bouncing around the battlefield due to the unbalanced knockbacks makes warzones an enjoyable cluster****.


But the story campaigns are where the bulk of SWTOR's potential is, and I'm not sure why the team hasn't expanded upon them. They're all perfect in what they set out to do (even if some are more enjoyable in general) and give the game a great sense of unique flavour of being its own RPG among the many boring MMO's out there. If you combined more story-focused missions with this 12 EXP bonus, you could play to SWTOR's strengths with ease. I suppose that's what they're already doing, but I can't help wanting a followup to my Hunter's story. There HAS to be more!

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