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Resetting Railgun


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So I've been having this issue over the past couple weeks. Can't remember when it first came up(since I don't play gunships very often), but I want to say it was post Rise of the Emperor. When using the Quarrel/Mangler I have the slug as the primary and ion as secondary. So what happens is that I switch to the Ion. If I zoom in and then zoom out again, it automatically switches back to the slug. Others I have talked to are not having this issue. So I was curious if I was the only one, or if others were experiencing the same issue.
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First thing to do is to check your GSF keybindings. Every control has a primary and a secondary binding slot. You aren't supposed to be able to double-bind the same key, but it's possible that you've got something else that you're pressing that's triggering the swap.


In particular if you zoom with a mouse scroll wheel that is also a clickable button and you're pressing hard enough while scrolling to click. Or similar things where you may be inadvertently pressing an input control that you didn't know was bound to anything in GSF.


Sticky or broken keyboard keys or mouse buttons also might cause things like this.

Edited by Ramalina
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Pretty sure Ramalina nailed it with you probably having a switch weapon button mapped to a mousewheel.


If that's not the case, go open notepad, type like:






(something that doesn't exceed one screen, but has text in all directions)


Now put your cursor between the second 3 and 4. Now roll that wheel up and down. Did the cursor move? Did text get entered? If either of those happened, you have an additional mapping for your mousewheel. This could be a number (1), it could be a direction (up, down), or something else that your mouse is configured to do by you, that you may have forgotten about.

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It's not a key binding or keyboard issue. I've check both of those. It happens even when I don't use the mouse wheel to zoom. And I tried the notepad thing and nothing happened. And it started right after one of the recent patches. Edited by Malonen
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Hrm. Ok, some questions.


> You say "Quarrel/Mangler". Do you observe the issue on both of those actual ships?


> When it switches back, does it look like a normal switch? Normally when you hit the X-CHG button (1) you'll see a "global cooldown" swish over it. When the swap happens, is the same effect happening?


> Is anything on your mouse bound to a button that does the swap? Ex: You have a gaming mouse and bound a button under your left hand to the 1 button. The mouse is failing in this example, and the roll sometimes triggers the electronically close other mouse button.


> Does it happen while you are zooming in, or after?


> Does it happen on zoom out?


> Does it happen if you zoom quickly or zoom slowly? Did you repeat the exact motion as near you could in the notepad experiment?


> Can you check on a type 3 gunship (Condor and Jungoran) to see if the same effect occurs?


> Can you check on a type 1 strike to see if you ever get a swap without expecting it? Can you make it happen on the type 1 strike by taking the wheel up and down, something you would normally never need?

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