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Must Read: Marauder Changes

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They should make Berserk a generic effect regardless of what stance the marauder is in.

Remove Cloak of Pain but merge its affects in to Berserk.


Berserk's New Affects:

+20% alacrity for the duration.

+1 rage per second while berserk is active

+20% movement speed for the duration

-20% damage taken for the duration

[shi-cho only]: increases rage per second during berserk from 1 to 2.

[juyo only]: increases movement speed & damage taken from 20% to 30%.

[ataru only]: increases alacrity boost from 20% to 30%.


1. Obliterate is now available for all marauder specs.

2. Force Scream is removed for annihilation & carnage. (this advanced class is about those 2 sabers).

3. Low Slash (slow) is removed. Obliterate will apply the slow.


Other minor changes would come naturally after the above details are applied, but if one is cognitive, they can go without saying. Adjustments to talents regarding the abilities in the list, such as cloak of pain being more effective, etc.

Edited by Warlord_Maliken
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I still think the only problem is mobility.

Getting a second leap is a good way for anni but might look weird on carnage.

Maybe for carnage they could make a short speed increase gore ends, 4 sec or something.


Well. By removing Force Scream and replacing it with Obliterate like the OP says, would resolve the mobility problem see? I think it would be fabulous.

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While these changes would be fun, I think they would make Berserk some ultimate super power. Seriously what kind of effect does it NOT have? I think taking Predation off the Fury system (by default, not with a utility!!!) and giving us a utility to make it break movement impairment should be enough mobility. This Berserk you propose is clearly OP and also would destroy spec identities (yes i see it still has a form-dependent part, but still no).

The Obliterate idea is very good in fact, since it would cost us 3 Rage, no rootbreak, I like it. But you can't remove Force Scream, it's a Warrior ability, juggs use it too, it's also needed for Carnage (you can't just put it in Devastating Blast's place for obvious reasons, but also there is Gore, Ataru form and Massacre, the only thing you could make baseline is Ataru form, but having a replacement ability for a level 10 discipline granted ability sounds weird (DB>FS)). I guess you would give Decimate to Rage Juggernauts too, but then their resource management and mobility would improve too, not like they need it. Even though I like the idea, I believe it would cause problems, it's not easy to implement.

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I like your idea of predation not costing fury, and being on a seperate coolie.

I really think the 'superpower' of going berserk SHOULD be super, it should be heroic, epic, your synapses should flare in excitement. It isn't a complex tooltip either, i think its clean. You go bloody BERSER*********. diluting this experience is the real crime in my opinion :)


I think it would also make peoples eyes go big when they see a marauder going berserk. You know that guy REALLY just went BERSERK, watch out. I love that idea.


[QUESTION] Does any other sentinel/marauder feel that bladestorm/forcescream wouldn't be missed? Wouldn't Obliterate/ZenLeap just be soo much more enjoyable for pve and pvp?

Edited by Warlord_Maliken
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[QUESTION] Does any other sentinel/marauder feel that bladestorm/forcescream wouldn't be missed? Wouldn't Obliterate/ZenLeap just be soo much more enjoyable for pve and pvp?

One of the worst changes 3.0 did for Carnage is to replace Force Scream. Force Scream is awesome. Its also a generic Sith Warrior ability, not a Marauder one so not really something you can remove.

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having to use a leap rotationally in pve for dps can have dire consequences. Not only could it put you in the wrong place at the wrong time, it would make mara/sent completely unviable on revan HM.
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having to use a leap rotationally in pve for dps can have dire consequences. Not only could it put you in the wrong place at the wrong time, it would make mara/sent completely unviable on revan HM.


1. Having Obliterate doesn't mean that you MUST use it.

2. Annihilation already has Force Charge in rotation.

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having to use a leap rotationally in pve for dps can have dire consequences. Not only could it put you in the wrong place at the wrong time, it would make mara/sent completely unviable on revan HM.


Interesting. But Fury already has obliterate in their rotation don't they? I don't see the catastrophic problem here, if you would mind explaining a bit more. If the mini-charge is putting you too close to the boss while you're already in melee range, simply adjust collision size to this ability so that when fighting a boss like revan, you don't mini-charge inside of him. It would just have you leap vertically a little bit and come down with an attack, not moving you at all.


And to Jav, Annihilation already has force charge, true. But I don't see this as a problem, especially in pve. Are you saying that it would be?


P.S. If annihilation already has charge in their rotation (no minimum range anymore), then you can simply remove this feature since they'll be inheriting obliterate. this is what i mean by cognitive assessment, its important to capture the full 'vision' of what im trying to convey.

Edited by Warlord_Maliken
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I think if we got something like a more "traditional" Berserk type ability (Life Steal on all attacks for X duration along with an Attack Speed boost.) Marauders would be better. I'm thinking something like this, but still on the Fury System.




1.5s CD

1 to 15s Duration

Description: Uses your connection to the dark side of the force to enter a furious Berserk. Increases Alacrity by 15%, and all attacks have a 75% chance to steal 1.5% Health from your target, Does not steal from additional targets hit by Dual Saber Throw or Smash (Does affect multiple targets in Annihilation spec though through a Talent) Requires and Consumes Fury Duration increases depending on amount of Fury consumed at 10 stacks Duration is 15s


Fury: This system has been re worked to work on a 10 stack system like Supercharge. Abilities that grant Fury are as follows.


Force Scream (Devestating Blast), Annihilate, Vicious Throw, Raging Burst, Smash, Force Charge (New), Obliderate, Dual Saber Throw (Carnage Only), Force Crush, Furious Strike, Ravage (Fury Only)


This would also mean Frenzy would need a rework, as 10 stacks of Fury would be pretty easy to get.




Cooldown 2m (with Passive)

Duration: 10s

Description: Uses your connection to the dark side of the Force to enter a furious frenzy, increasing all damage by 5% and alacrity by 10%, Up to 50,000 damage is absorbed during this state and 35% of it is sent back to all attackers at any range. (Meaning, you get an absorption shield of up to 50k that will reciprocate 35% of the damage delt to you back to whomever attacked you at any range)

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Interesting. But Fury already has obliterate in their rotation don't they? I don't see the catastrophic problem here, if you would mind explaining a bit more. If the mini-charge is putting you too close to the boss while you're already in melee range, simply adjust collision size to this ability so that when fighting a boss like revan, you don't mini-charge inside of him. It would just have you leap vertically a little bit and come down with an attack, not moving you at all.


And to Jav, Annihilation already has force charge, true. But I don't see this as a problem, especially in pve. Are you saying that it would be?


P.S. If annihilation already has charge in their rotation (no minimum range anymore), then you can simply remove this feature since they'll be inheriting obliterate. this is what i mean by cognitive assessment, its important to capture the full 'vision' of what im trying to convey.

No, I'm saying that having charge is not a problem in PvE rotation - most of the time. It causes problems in Draxus or Revan fights for example. What I said in the other forum, is that taking Force Scream away and adding Obliteration is not viable just like that, because both abilties are Warrior abilities not Marauder ones. I would love to have something similar to Obliteration (rage cost, 10m leap), but as I see the devs don't give a crap about the small changes we want to do, and your proposal would take more work.

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been playing/testing my marauder this week and really found the synapses out of wack, especially when compared to my juggernaut. I do not speak in terms of efficiency only, but rather gameplay value. Its just mehh. I am usually #1 in damage every time on both.


Edited by Warlord_Maliken
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