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Are we clear on the marauder/sent's respective role


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Iv seen a lot of talk about the general class balance, but i haven't really seen anything from the players and devs regarding the mara's role on the battlefield. This is something that applies to pve as well as pvp but mainly warzones.


maybe i have missed something or maybe what a marauders job was back in 8vs8 is now obsolete in arenas. we all know jugs/PTs are the vanguards, first in and first focused, snipers are marksman picking single targets, sorcs/mercs are strait up support laying constant fire on everything and well assassin in self explanatory. I used to see marauders as kind of the junglers of swtor with low CDs on burst damage and excelent mobility but given that every class either has the same tools or tools to not just counter it but completely defeat the object of it. IE overwhelm, meet hydrolic overrides, role, fade out. uncleansable dots meet force shroud, bubble, evasion everyone's kind of a mirror of one another putting maras at the front of the main fight next to the jug and PT in a simple melee vs ranged scenario.


of course this is just my perspective and im not the game designer and unsure if that perspective is intended, or if any kind of combat role is for that matter. reading the updates they mostly just talk about rotations, difficulty and combat style and its complete swing and a miss with the players, then the players are like buff this and change that as if to say that pressing 1 2 3 4 5 will yield equal results to the guy you have targeted in terms of how well your surviving and how much damage your dealing with little to no consideration of what the desired job at hand should be. if i consider my above perspective the kind of changes become more clear for example fury feels more like bruiser damage so shouldn't that role suggest giving him more survivability so he CAN mirror the jug. for example buff cloak of pain the way shield probe is for lethality. and if we look at carni as more hit and run than 1vs1 compared to assassins maybe some utility resets like force cammo after using viscous throw on a target below 30%.


Again, this is all just conjecture but each class discipline is built around specific roles and since the implementation of arenas to replace 8v8 and this whole centering/every class is mirror of every other class balancing that all came around after 2.0, marauders have become something of gray area. are the simply obsolete? perfect class for LOL/DOTA but no place or meaning in swtor? if they just share the same place as jugs maybe they should just be given heavy armour and labeled a slightly more offensive version of that class (mobilty vs tankability CDwise).


If i missed anything on here or previously mentioned please point that out, im not here to make a statement or a bunch of silly demands, to be honest i hesitate to say anything in case im completely wrong, its not like im rocking an s1/2/3 champion title but its something iv been thinking about with no solid answer in plain sight


apologies for the wall.


TLDR what are marauders actually for right now? if so then are the being tweaked with that in mind.

Edited by collapsegen
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I always found the Marauder to be defined by speed. Where a Jugg can stand in the fire and continue to put out good damage the Marauder would have to move out, reset and go at it again and could do this pretty effectively in PvE and PvP pre 3.0. Post 3.0 we can still actually accomplish this but most other classes got access to higher mobility or control which diminished the overall mobility of the Marauder. Marauder was always, and should remain a high risk for high reward class
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Marauder was always, and should remain a high risk for high reward class


Id say this is true of carnage still. but anni has become a vulnerable support class, damage feels lacking and i dont even know why rage was redesigned for marauders its suited our glass cannon play still, but now its more like glass bruiser IMO, would be worth while if it had the offhand damage you could back up a tank nicely but i see no reason at this point to pick a fury mara over a rage jug

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I always found the Marauder to be defined by speed. Where a Jugg can stand in the fire and continue to put out good damage the Marauder would have to move out, reset and go at it again and could do this pretty effectively in PvE and PvP pre 3.0. Post 3.0 we can still actually accomplish this but most other classes got access to higher mobility or control which diminished the overall mobility of the Marauder. Marauder was always, and should remain a high risk for high reward class


This is correct. That's how I've always seen the class. The problem with this is right now the risk is not worth the reward in comparison to what other classes can do in most scenarios. An example, we have gap closers in Operations but a huge part of those fights we have downtime while ranged can sustain DPS through the entire fight. Not only do ranged classes get higher mobility now, they also have the capability of DPSing even if they need to move. In theory a Marauder/Sent should be the highest single target DPS in the game if everyone has 100% uptime on a target. I'm not sure if that data is correct as some classes have ridiculously high DPS.


Marauder should be the highest DPS in the game unquestionable since it's their only role and they're a melee squishy class. I honestly don't believe a Marauder's DPS is where it should be even if in certain scenarios we are the highest DPS. if they're not going to buff our ways to survive or increase more ways of mobility in both Operations and PvP, then the targets need to be punished when we have too much uptime on them. In PvP if you don't CC that Marauder, he should be able to kill you faster than any class in the game since they lack counters to CC and gains to high mobility outside a situational Predation. We're also one of the only classes with this bane right now. This in turn makes Marauders the most highly coveted class for pocket healers because with proper cleanses/heals they can wreck everything...the difference being they benefit more from a pocket healer than any other class since they lack counters themselves. The ultimate group class. The ultimate squishy class without one. Fair gain?


Marauders should be the single highest DPS by a fair margin in most scenarios in PvE/PvP if they're allowed uptime on extended periods and Snipers should be the highest ranged DPS possible in the game. They have only 1 role, therefore, they should be the masters at that role. As it stands, in Operations, ranged will do more DPS because they're more sustained on the target and they also drain less healing resources. We're not worth the risk when compared to reward right now in either scenario to PvP/PvE. Too easily killed even with shields.


One easy fix for PvE without doing anything to classes will be simply to start designing more anti-ranged fights that benefit melee for a change. This will make us much more desirable for those fights.

Edited by zeroeffectxoo
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Marauder's Role is Cheerleader!!!

They give ops wide buffs from their wonderful inspiring cheers.

They Force Scream, so even the distant spectators can hear their cheers loud and clear!

They get extremely upset if you don't enjoy their cheering and go Berzerk!

They're fast! Acrobatic! Loud and Annoying!? Cheerleaders!!!

And they have pom-poms!!! Well... what the f*ck else did you expect Two Lightsaber's to accomplish apart from wonderful air-traffic choreography? Damage? Are you insane?

Get a Generator like every other smart motherf*cker in Swtor...

I bet in the books, publications, movies and all-sorts every Jedi and Sith had a Generator! Right! ... ...Right?!

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