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Ziost Speeder Missions a hint of Swoop/Pod Racing?


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The recent update with Ziost introduced two speeder based missions that utilized the underlying tech that is similar to the speed booster tech used for Swoop Racing in KOTOR, and that one would probably also expect to see in a game based version of Pod Racing.


Anyone else think this might be a test of new tech for a added Swoop/Pod racing feature that many players have been asking for over the years?

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I sure hope they'd improve the crap out of the functionality 1st though...it's super laggy and slow between boost spots, and the boosts don't even work half the time.


I thought I'd seen it mentioned that a large part of the reasoning for why they weren't going to include a racing mini-game was because of difficulty in syncing the data for all players' locations accurately. The issues with the boosts make it sound like just tracking that data between the server and a single player struggles with accuracy as well. (Meaning that the server and your PC can't always stay synced / caught up on the precise positioning of your character every millisecond and so you get discrepancies and errors between them and the server misses the cue that you've driven over a boost.


Actually... It's a completely different situation and yet maybe it's relevant that GSF has a similar struggle in some ways as well. Picking up powerups in deathmatch can be iffy. It usually fails if you move through them too quickly so you have to slow down on them to make sure the game gets a chance to register it. And then there's the issue that's sometimes been noted in GSF where people on slow connections seem to teleport all over the place as the game catches up to what they've been doing while the system was waiting for an update from them.

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I thought I'd seen it mentioned that a large part of the reasoning for why they weren't going to include a racing mini-game was because of difficulty in syncing the data for all players' locations accurately. .

I remember seeing this as well, which is why I think this is actually the reverse - they had probably made some initial attempts at getting racing to work, and when they determined that synching wouldn't be reliable enough they made use of some of that preliminary work by repurposing it into these missions.

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I remember seeing this as well, which is why I think this is actually the reverse - they had probably made some initial attempts at getting racing to work, and when they determined that synching wouldn't be reliable enough they made use of some of that preliminary work by repurposing it into these missions.


I find myself agreeing with you quite a bit today... your assessment is quite logical.

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The recent update with Ziost introduced two speeder based missions that utilized the underlying tech that is similar to the speed booster tech used for Swoop Racing in KOTOR, and that one would probably also expect to see in a game based version of Pod Racing.


Anyone else think this might be a test of new tech for a added Swoop/Pod racing feature that many players have been asking for over the years?


NO . this was only put in as bare remains of a speeder pod racer system they were working on . only to be dropped because of Server lag

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I thought I'd seen it mentioned that a large part of the reasoning for why they weren't going to include a racing mini-game was because of difficulty in syncing the data for all players' locations accurately. The issues with the boosts make it sound like just tracking that data between the server and a single player struggles with accuracy as well. (Meaning that the server and your PC can't always stay synced / caught up on the precise positioning of your character every millisecond and so you get discrepancies and errors between them and the server misses the cue that you've driven over a boost.


Actually... It's a completely different situation and yet maybe it's relevant that GSF has a similar struggle in some ways as well. Picking up powerups in deathmatch can be iffy. It usually fails if you move through them too quickly so you have to slow down on them to make sure the game gets a chance to register it. And then there's the issue that's sometimes been noted in GSF where people on slow connections seem to teleport all over the place as the game catches up to what they've been doing while the system was waiting for an update from them.


To be fair, though, if they went the swoop racing route (which makes more sense in my opinion) you wouldn't need to check positions of multiple characters since swoop racing wasn't a traditional race. Swoop racing was a time trial with a "leaderboard" so to speak, so your goal was to get the fastest time on the track as opposed to beating other racers in that moment. You were alone on the track. They could just instance the swoop racing tracks like they do ships or solo space missions and make a leaderboard for the fastest times. Could tie into solo content (similarly to the swoop racing in KOTOR, which was needed to advance the plot but not required afterward) so it isn't solely about leaderboard ranking and go from there.


I think they could do some really cool things with swoop racing, honestly. Have events centered around it, give a few different tracks, maybe a reward for being on top of the leaderboard, etc. It's an interesting idea that could bring along its own rewards and gameplay.


However, with that said, I don't know how difficult it'd be to code it in. The missions on Ziost are one thing but a lot of stuff would have to change in order to get it more like swoop racing. The speeders on Ziost are really slow, for example, so that'd need to be changed. The instance thing may or may not work like I imagine it would either, so who knows if that's even possible.


Regardless, I'd love to see it but I don't know if I'd take this as a hint just yet. Maybe the response and interest will give Bioware a reason to look into it further but that's about all I'd give my hopes to right now. It's fun to think about though. Makes me want to fire up KOTOR again.

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I thought I'd seen it mentioned that a large part of the reasoning for why they weren't going to include a racing mini-game was because of difficulty in syncing the data for all players' locations accurately.


I try to follow pretty closely, and never recall hearing this. I thought racing was a wall of crazy item.

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