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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Multiple Characters, Same Faction, Same Advanced Class?


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I've been curious lately as to what justifications you all might have for having multiple characters of the same AC/Faction on the same server? I have seen a lot of people's character counts in their signatures, and I also find myself now with 2 Juggernauts. I have 1 Juggernaut I play with a friend, and another that looks like it may turn out to be a solo character. I also have a solo Guardian, and a solo Marauder (I play a Sentinel with the same friend too). What is kinda irking me is that I now have 3 Sith Warriors, and only one remaining character slot. I would hate to delete any of the characters, as I have put a bit of time into all of them - but somehow I feel wasteful. So, I implore you alt-aholics, help put my mind at ease! Edited by TitusOfTides
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I've been curious lately as to what justifications you all might have for having multiple characters of the same AC/Faction on the same server? I have seen a lot of people's character counts in their signatures, and I also find myself now with 2 Juggernauts. I have 1 Juggernaut I play with a friend, and another that looks like it may turn out to be a solo character. I also have a solo Guardian, and a solo Marauder (I play a Sentinel with the same friend too). What is kinda irking me is that I now have 3 Sith Warriors, and only one remaining character slot. I would hate to delete any of the characters, as I have put a bit of time into all of them - but somehow I feel wasteful. So, I implore you alt-aholics, help put my mind at ease!


Generally, these are five reasons I've found:

1. You want an alt in the same class so that you can have one that is outside your main guild.

2. You want to have one tanking/healing and the other for dps.

3. You are levelling one up on your primary server in your main legacy so that you can eventually transfer it to another server (and maybe set up a new legacy there).

4. If you are a pvper, and you have a recognized/known toon name/legacy, then you start an alt in the same class with a different name/appearance/gender/race so that you can get back to:

a. playing and having fun,

b. avoiding harassment, or

c. being ganked (for a while at least).

5. Getting the light side/dark side story achievements (e.g., Jaesa).

Edited by Grue_Hunter
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Well, I have one of each advanced class, even the mirrors, that I intend on playing. Half male, half female. Mostly because I want to see how being a different gender or play-style changes things and because I want to experience the stories again.
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