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Sith warrior story confusion


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Can someone explain to me the sith warrior story up to the part when you leave Dromund Kaas?


Its really confusing to follow along, I don't understand why we needed this guy in the first place for information, who are these spies of Lord Baras? What is going on with this padawan? The whole thing is confusing and hard to follow,


If someone could explain to me whats going on up to the poiunt when you leave DK please.

Edited by NoahRedden
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Can someone explain to me the sith warrior story up to the part when you leave Dromund Kaas?


Its really confusing to follow along, I don't understand why we needed this guy in the first place for information, who are these spies of Lord Baras? What is going on with this padawan? The whole thing is confusing and hard to follow,


If someone could explain to me whats going on up to the poiunt when you leave DK please.


Korriban is actually not as important for the things about the Padawan, so I'll skip that.


You have to go to Dromund Kaas. On Kaas you have to get this guy frozen in carbonite from a hangar in Kaas City with Lanklin. He is a Republic spy and knows about the network of spies that Baras has made, and knows even more about the Jedi Padawan that has discovered all these spies with her special power. Well because this guy isn't saying anything you have to get this "Ravager" thing out of the Dark Temple, which will empty his mind so that he will say everything. He says what he knows: that there's a spy on Balmorra and Nar Shaddaa, and because Baras asks about the Padawan the spy states she was trained on Tatooine and her homeworld is Alderaan. Then you get your own starship from Baras and you are send to Balmorra.


So: you need the spy because you want to know what the Republic's learned.

The spies are Commander Rylon (on Balmorra) and Agent Dellocon (on Nar Shaddaa).

You want to kill the Padawan because she threatens Baras' network of spies in the Republic.


Hope this will clear things up! :)

Edited by PSVEindhoven
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Korriban is actually not as important for the things about the Padawan, so I'll skip that.


You have to go to Dromund Kaas. On Kaas you have to get this guy frozen in carbonite from a hangar in Kaas City with Lanklin. He is a Republic spy and knows about the network of spies that Baras has made, and knows even more about the Jedi Padawan (Jaesa) that has discovered all these spies with her special power. Well because this guy isn't saying anything you have to get this "Ravager" thing out of the Dark Temple, which will empty his mind so that he will say everything. He says what he knows: that there's a spy on Balmorra and Nar Shaddaa, and because Baras asks about the Padawan the spy states she was trained on Tatooine and her homeworld is Alderaan. Then you get your own starship from Baras and you are send to Balmorra.


So: you need the spy because you want to know what the Republic's learned.

The spies are Commander Rylon (on Balmorra) and Agent Dellocon (on Nar Shaddaa).

You want to kill the Padawan because she threatens Baras' network of spies in the Republic.


Hope this will clear things up! :)


Massive spoiler. Clear it up please.

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