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So I JUST got done playing my 4th ranked match for Season 5. I won my first 3 matches and the 4th... well the fourth started and my team only had 3. It was 3 vs. 4...


I play on Pot5 and this was at 6:29 pm CST. The end match results showed that there wasn't a 4th that joined and left.


My question Devs, is why on earth would the match be allowed to start being so lopsided? If you attach a rating and you dangle rewards based on said rating, it should behoove you to make sure the playing field is fair.


Are you able to grant me elo/rating because I was forced to play games with a VERY slim chance of winning. It was 3 verses 4. Suggests would be to immediately randomly boot someone from the other team? Or if the match starts and no one joined, possibly have the Arena dismissed. Booted back to previous location and Season 5 rating/stats are completely unaffected?


I just find it very hard to swallow that this is even in the realm of possibilities of actually occurring. I would love a response. Thanks!

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Yeah, that's got to be frustrating. Some think that there should be no rating loss from a 3v4, but then it becomes far too easy to close the client if you think you will lose. Even if they set it up so that there is no rating loss if the match starts 3v4 at the beginning, that would make it so that you could enter a match, size up the competition, and bail before the match starts if you don't like your odds. No ratings loss. See pve geared opponents, stay and play. See pve geared teammates, bail. It would likely get to the point where very few matches result in anybody losing rating. Edited by teclado
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You'll find out quickly that ranked ratings are an ugly mix of luck, who you know, and timing. I've had match on match on match of 3v4, 2v4, afk guys, trolls in pve gear or no gear at all, and last but not least the guys who join without an advanced class just to be the worst kinda person.
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Good points about how people would abuse the system if something was in place to negate a mismatched Ranked Arena.


Surely, Bio Ware has a quality team. Are they aware of the issues (not talking about the human element; trolls, PvE gear, blind armless people) I am referring to the match making system that would start an arena 3 vs. 4. Why would the Arena even take place before there are 4 eligible players in the queue for each side. Isn't that like the basis for the whole system?


I play this game exclusively for the PvP and because it is Star Wars. Any feedback to the PvP community would be greatly appreciated addressing this issue. thanks!

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In the past, I would have said that this is one of the inherent drawbacks of the solo queue. In this case, there is a very real possibility that whoever you are teamed with might not be playing to win. I would have pointed out that there is no real way to account for this that wouldn't penalize the other team or be open to exploitation. Ultimately, it's just something you would have to accept if you want to queue solo and if you can't then you need to find a group to queue with.


Of course, now that they're outright denying rewards to bronze tier solo it's become pretty clear the real reason is they have nothing but contempt for solo players. Pretty sure they don't want anyone queuing solo period and they have no intention of making the experience neither more fair nor enjoyable. Maybe this could be fixed, maybe not; they aren't going to even think about trying.

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Yeah, that's got to be frustrating. Some think that there should be no rating loss from a 3v4, but then it becomes far too easy to close the client if you think you will lose. Even if they set it up so that there is no rating loss if the match starts 3v4 at the beginning, that would make it so that you could enter a match, size up the competition, and bail before the match starts if you don't like your odds. No ratings loss. See pve geared opponents, stay and play. See pve geared teammates, bail. It would likely get to the point where very few matches result in anybody losing rating.


sounds like a solution to me


get matched up with pve trolls, leave with your rating intact

Edited by zZeroAgent
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Happens occasionally. A troll queus just to let his pop expire because he doesn't care for ranked & enjoys screwing with people (i think u can even see them on LBs, no wins, no medals & rating <1200). The group finder can't find a 4th in the remaining time frame & the result is generally an automatic loss.

Obviously it's not fair at all, but could be exploited otherwise.

Hold on there, **** happens, play enough games & these things won't affect your rating that dramatically. Solo q involves quite a bit of luck, sometimes you achieve your desired rating after 10 matches, other times it's a long trek to it after the 1st few couple of games make your rating plummet. That's why some players preffer to try their chances at the 10 match roulette with another toon.

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So I JUST got done playing my 4th ranked match for Season 5. I won my first 3 matches and the 4th... well the fourth started and my team only had 3. It was 3 vs. 4...


I play on Pot5 and this was at 6:29 pm CST. The end match results showed that there wasn't a 4th that joined and left.


My question Devs, is why on earth would the match be allowed to start being so lopsided? If you attach a rating and you dangle rewards based on said rating, it should behoove you to make sure the playing field is fair.


Are you able to grant me elo/rating because I was forced to play games with a VERY slim chance of winning. It was 3 verses 4. Suggests would be to immediately randomly boot someone from the other team? Or if the match starts and no one joined, possibly have the Arena dismissed. Booted back to previous location and Season 5 rating/stats are completely unaffected?


I just find it very hard to swallow that this is even in the realm of possibilities of actually occurring. I would love a response. Thanks!


To the OP, I play PoT5 myself on both factions. I rarely see this on the Imps, but 3 v 4 seems par for the course on the Repub side - regardless of whether we are talking 8 man or 4 man matches - ranked or reg - low, mid, or max bracket. Prime example .... yesterday I was on a lowbie Smuggler in bottom bracket. Played two matches back to back during prime time. Took about 20 mins each for both matches to pop. Neither match the Repubs had a full team to start. Both matches went halfway through before we had a full team and then you begin suffer from people leaving match.


Even in 60 bracket, it doesn't pay to queue up on Repub in the morning. It takes forever for the queues to drops and you never end up with a full team. As a Repub you are spinning wheels and getting nowhere. Your Imp counterparts are enjoying their matches. The Repubs are hanging out at a very empty fleet wondering where the other players are.


Almost everyday I game, I end up wishing they would just shut this server down. Move all of us to the other US PVP server and call it a day. But I will be hanged before I pay BW to move my toons from a server they assigned me when they shut down the last server I was on.

Edited by ForceWelder
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