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Looking to relocate from PoT5....


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I am presently quite depressed about my servers population and looking to move on from PoT5. I have had enough of Q-pops slowing or completely shutting down pre and post prime time. I usually am unable to play during primetime hours, so just off peak and off peak times are when I get to log. 2 jobs and 3 kids means primetime is spoken for.


I am torn between Harbinger and Bastion. I am located in the Midwest, so coast is of little importance to me, afa lag is concerned, all are similar for me. :)


Do PvE servers have any kind of OW PvP at all? How much more populated/reliable is Bastion over PoT5, if at all?

All the typical questions I spose....?

Anyone with experience on PoT5/Harbinger/Bastion care to chime in?


I am more concerned with reg pops than ranked. Ranked is a "take it or leave it" for me even though I know a healthy ranked scene means healthy reg scene. If I find a nice guild to do ranked with, great. If not, that's fine to. As long as I can find good Q times for regs.

I enjoy OW PvP "events" a LOT...but I do not enjoy running around beating up lowbies in OW. Events with population participation only. No lowbie ganking excercises please. :D


Thanks to all who share about Harbinger vs Bastion vs PoT5. :cool:


Edit: Looking for west coast server since the player from Pot5 coming with me is relocated to west coast irl.

Edited by WickedImage
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i know nothing of Harbinger, but it is a PVE server and you were asking about open worlds pvp so... it would seem Bastion is the logical choice as a pvp server


reg pops on bastion are more or less always happening on bastion, sometimes constant, sometimes a bit of a wait, but its always there for me in the afternoons/evenings.


Harbinger may have a slightly higher population overall it seems so it comes down really to pve versus pvp server

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Most of my toons are on harbinger, but I have some on the bastion. Here is my take.


If you like regs and you enjoy playing pubs, the harbinger will suit you well. Imps can do well in regs also, but it seems much more balanced than most people on other servers seem to report, even on the bastion in my experience. There are times when pubs absolutely dominate and vice versa. There are some guilds that play both sides, so it often depends on who is online and which side they feel like playing at the time. Ranked on the harb is very one sided in my experience in favor of imps...not really worth it to do ranked as a pub IMO.


On the bastion, I see a lot more imp vs imp regs. Pops are frequent during prime times. I moved some toons over to bastion a little while back because I wanted more ranked pops. Harb is very inconsistent for ranked. Also, it seems like there are fewer PVE heroes queuing up for conquest points on bastion vs harb.


TLDR: I like both servers and plan to keep playing toons on both of them. If you are a little more serious about pvp, you'd probably like the bastion better. If you just want to play regs and don't particularly care about ranked, go harb. If you're not too sure, take advantage of the x12 XP and make toons on both.

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Thanks for the information and opinions. I'm leaning toward Bastion simply due to being a pvp server and since that's mostly all I do, seems most logical place to go. Sure would like even more population though.;)

Thanks again for the info on servers.

I appreciated the nod for ebon hawk, btw. I have not given the RP servers much thought, tbh. I seem to recall reading there were a lot of trolls in PvP who just role play the pvp round and don't actually fight and other such foolery. I'm too old and impatient to deal with that nonsense lol. But I appreciate you vouching for the server sir. :)

Edited by WickedImage
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Thanks for the information and opinions. I'm leaning toward Bastion simply due to being a pvp server and since that's mostly all I do, seems most logical place to go. Sure would like even more population though.;)

Thanks again for the info on servers.

I appreciated the nod for ebon hawk, btw. I have not given the RP servers much thought, tbh. I seem to recall reading there were a lot of trolls in PvP who just role play the pvp round and don't actually fight and other such foolery. I'm too old and impatient to deal with that nonsense lol. But I appreciate you vouching for the server sir. :)


I can honestly say I have not seen that in the WZ I've been in, though I could see how someone could maybe do it. Regardless, best of luck to you in your server hunt!

Edited by sloasdaylight
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First move off of Pot5 was to repub Shadowlands, it was a considerable upgrade, and I was not disappointed. I eventually moved my imp toon there as well. The ranked happens during peak hours and near the end of the season had to get kick started but the server has plenty of quality players and competition and the overall community atmosphere is good. Out of curiosity I leveled an imp toon on Bastion, and the ping which has always held me back from moving has not been an issue -for me-. Bastion has more frequent queue pops than Shadowlands during off hours which I appreciate. Can't vouch for the ranked scene being that I hit 60 two days ago, but I think the answer to that is pretty obvious; it's healthy.


tl:dr Decent regs both factions on east coast? Shadowlands. Pvp ranked? Bastion.

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