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Character Select Screen Bug


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As of right now, every character I log into and then log out at some point will then have their Character Select Screen image off. It looks like dyes are not being considered anymore. I thought it was just it not reading a unify color, but it doesn't even show the chest piece as being dyed black/black on several characters on the select screen.
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Getting the same thing. Oddly it did not seem to happen until I just clicked the X for the tutorial {I never asked for the tab nor have any interest in it}. Not sure why but it did not happen to my main Sage nor my main Guardian {the first 2 I ran through the appetizer tossed at us today}. But when I got to my main Commando and logged off I saw it immediately.


Basically what I am seeing is his set matched to chest {but as it looked before we could dye them ages ago}. While in-game I am seeing the character as I was before the patch....so sincerely hope this is just some lame visual bug on the Log-in screen linked to the app. tab. I will not be happy if other players are seeing me different than I see myself as I do not want an appearance other than what I am wearing.


As a test I just popped on my main operative, clicked the x to close the tutorial {after opening my char sheet of course}, and just logged off...and same thing...seeing her matched to chest minus the dye that is there. Is there no way to simply depopulate the app. tab? I did zero research on it {as I mentioned did not desire it/nor care either that it is here now}, but sort of assumed it would come empty then we would add a set and apply it et cetera.


Not the end of the world of course....just hoping it is a log-in screen visual bug {like it is reading the app tab that I know I did not apply [default application? (lame)]}. Oddly when i look at the app tab it shows the set minus the day and not matched to chest...yet on the log-in screen I see the set matched to chest...just without the dye that is there.


I have no friends in-game so will have to bother a stranger to see if they see me different than I see myself.

Edited by Urantia
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