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Blaster's Path Cantina QT Point Un-learned


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Every single one of my characters that I've cycled through Rishi today (Rep & Imp) no longer knows the QT point in the Rishi cantina anymore.


They can re-learn it (and it seems to stick) but they don't have it even though they had previously learned it.

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Can confirm, my Smuggler no longer knows the Quick Travel point even though she had it yesterday. I relearned it now and hope it will stay unlocked.

In that case, it will probably be easier to have every player just relearn the point than to figure out who lost it and regrant it to those players.

Edited by Jerba
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These QT points were bugged. When they first appeared you could learn them, however the moment you logged out they were forgotten (like numerous other things in this game - you would achieve something and that would be lost on log-out).

This bug remained in place for ages - until it was fixed.

And BW, in their infinite intelligence and ability release a new patch and one again break this. People should just check through their achievements and see if any of those are suddenly missing.


BW - the masters of testing 'k all before releasing patches.

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I'm logging alts back in this morning that had definitely re-learned the QT point yesterday and, once again, it is undiscovered.

Can confirm. they really don't want us to have that QT point. :D


So to clarify:

  • Players who had the cantina QT point unlocked prior to 3.2 lost it with 3.2.
  • As of 3.2, the cantina QT point is unlearned upon logout and has to be relearned again every time.


Therefore, this is a regression bug. Hopefully, it will get fixed soon. :)

Edited by Jerba
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Noticed this yesterday. Same issue this morning. Have to re-bind it on each toon. Except one time I logged out right next to it, re-logged in and it was still working.


I think the reason that worked is because it's a proximity thing.


I'm having the same behavior post-3.2--I learn it, but as soon as I log off outside of the range of the Cantina, my toons forget it.


The reason I think it's proximity based is because I keep re-learning it as soon as I transition from the boardwalk with all the Kowakian monkeys to the bridge towards the cantina. Every time I cross that threshold, I get the text about discovering that bindpoint.


I thought all the QT bindpoints were supposed to be auto-learned now, though?

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I thought all the QT bindpoints were supposed to be auto-learned now, though?

All the taxi points are auto-learned, however the QT points are only learned when you get close to them, ~130 meters seems to be enough.

Edited by Jerba
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