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BH and Trooper preview colours displayed incorrectly


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On the character select screen, my Trooper and Bounty Hunter characters are displaying a colour scheme that neither of them have. They initially displayed properly, but after loading each once, their display in selection preview changed to some other unified look, but seemingly not their undyed colours.


I would associate it with the new Appearance Designer, but I've not opened/looked at the appearance tabs or even the tutorial for the designer on either.

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Accidentally posted my topic in General Discussion but I can confirm this is a problem. It's affecting my Mercenary, Vanguard, and Gunslinger. None of my force users are affected. For some visual reference...


This is how my Gunslinger's armor looks currently, in game: http://i.imgur.com/Ude39Lu.png


On the character select screen, after having logged in after 3.2 (wasn't doing this before I logged into him either) he then looks like this: http://i.imgur.com/8p3bN2k.jpg


My Vanguard shows it better as it just undyes the chestpiece. Unification still occurs, but with the chestpiece's default colors.

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Same issue with me for at least my agent. On the login screen it shows my armor unified undyed and in the character tab it actually shows my color a different shade than what I have but in game it displays just fine.
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I made a post about this as well and yes my powertech, merc, commando and sniper all had messed up colors. So far only the sniper os fixed idk but it is. Also my sniper had this issue before the patch which now that it's deasese has spread to my other toons im pretty annoyed.


P.s. It also spead to legecy

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