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Drakolich's Birthday Challenge, May 7th on The Bastion


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Hey guys I actually got the videos up tonight, included the disconnect game in them.


Here is the



I also impressed the hell out of myself with this sick maneuvering enjoy this quick





If you guys spot anymore awesome maneuvers like that one let me know the video and time stamp so I can make more of those highlights I like those short cool videos.

Edited by Drakkolich
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That was a tough event to try and solo queue into. All of my wingman buddies punked out so I never got into a match with or against you (I tried both). I did have fun in the matches I was in though, so it was not a total loss. Happy Birthday and maybe next year! Edited by JediMinerBob
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I just went and watched some of the videos and the amount of people chasing me is just hilarious. Watching all those red arrows on the minimap is priceless.


Thanks again to everyone who helped make this happen, and sorry to those who didn't get in cause they were solo queueing there were atleast 3 premades on republic side hunting me. :)

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OK, a few things I think we did after watching the first 3 or so games that I think hurt us.



  1. We didn't field any bombers, so Ion Rail was our only real possible interdiction effect. I think it would have been good to have Interdiction Drones/mines to drive you to/through.
  2. I think we concentrated a bit too much on things like Servo, Slicer's Loop, and Lockdown effects, and it hurt the lethality of our builds. I know it did mine. And while Sabo is good in theory, I think having at least 1-2 people rocking cluster spam would have kept you off of Disto a bit more.
  3. I think we probably should have coordinated our team a bit better in terms of what we were fielding. It ended up being a lot of scouts trying to chase you down, with gunships sort of following. If we scouts had acted more like the hounds chasing you into bomber/gunship positions, it might have been better for us. This would probably have required us to be in separate channels to truly coordinate, though, but it was fun having you in channel, so...
  4. It was sad you had trolls helping you stay alive*. :p


Also, in that 2nd deathmatch game, I saw you get a couple of the EOs before me, but I kept thinking "with this build, I should absolutely be able to keep up with him" (I had Booster, Regen Thrusters, BR, speed off of BR, and honestly, I think this is where having Sabo hurt me. I couldn't ever quite get locks on you long enough to loose the missile, which meant you didn't have to burn Disto, and why I was thinking that Cluster spam with the DoT would be better)... But you got an INSANE number of Engine Overcharges in that match. I think I counted 7-8? That's why no one could catch you. It might have made sense to have someone just go hunt powerups to keep you from getting any of them. Or at least minimize it.


If I were to try it again, I'd want 2 bombers (1 double interdiction drone/Seeker, 1 interdiction mine/Seeker), 3 Scouts to chase, and 3 Gunships, 2 having Engine Disruption, 1 having Reactor Disruption on Ion.


I just think a large part of the problem was that we absolutely didn't have enough to truly slow you down. We could have taken you apart if we had been able to slow you down or run you out of energy. But your build doesn't run out of energy very easily (I think it's pretty close to my typical Stingfire build, honestly, except I run Wingman over RI, but then, I'm not running for my life all match every match. Well, that and BR, which just feels so wrong to me in a Stingfire...).


Still, very good fun, and wish I hadn't needed to bail for a raid to miss the final hour+, but I had a good time. I'm a little scared to look at the avg kills/damage on Mier's FF, though... Getting avg's of like 3-2-2-10k probably didn't do much for my numbers. :eek:


Happy Birthday again, Drak! Enjoy comic things this weekend! :D


*In case it's not clear, I'm kidding about this one, and not truly upset about it.

Edited by nyghtrunner
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