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Cathar appearance


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Hi all,


Not sure if this is where I should be posting a minor rant about the Cathar, so if not please do tell me where I should repost or ask to have this thread moved.


Regardless I was just doing my first run with Jedi guardian, a human. In a quest one finds the flesh raider baby and gives it to Master Quilb. At this point I stopped, exited the game and tried to create a Cathar that looked like him. Not only did it seem impossible I couldn't even really get close. Why do NPC characters always looks so cool but when you try to create something similar they end up looking somewhat ridiculous -.-


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I was bummed that the pre-cartel Cathar NPCs were not updated, and equally bummed to find we can't create characters that even closely resemble these outdated NPCs. I'd like to see the old Cathar face geometry and color/details available as presets and the old Cathar given randomized appearances as well, personally.


The old male Cathar looked pretty awesome. You can still make an awesome looking Cathar, but it sucks that you can't realistically recreate the male face. Female I think you more or less can, geometry wise at least.

Edited by eldefail
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