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New Sentinel


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Erm, To be honest... You went with the wrong class in general.. Jedi Knights/Sith Warriors are not great at all in the current rendition of the game... They are on at best in PvP, but PvE side... they are kinda boned. You are much more likely to be picked up in a raid group if you are Ranged DPS (Sniper, Sorc, Merc) Or a more sturdy Melee DPS (Assassin, Operative, Powertech) They are pretty decent tanks though. Marauders/Sentinels though are pretty crappy in PvP, you can make them work, but you have to hone your reflexes to the ultimate, learn how to counter EVERY class, and learn when to engage, and when NOT to engage. You have to become a master at the class before you can even THINK about PvP'ing as a Sentinel/Marauder.


But, if you REALLY want to stick with Sentinel... I'd go Combat personally, it's pretty easy to play, and gets most of its skills early enough.

Edited by Kaos_KidSWTOR
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I know it is currently probably the worst class to be playing as. Especially trying to level one. I was actually a founding subscriber ( my pc at the time couldn't handle the game that well) and I've always loved the class. My first character was actaully a Marauder, and it was kind of a pain to level ( pc problems didn't help). So I just really want to play one on the Republic side ( all my friends no longer play, they wanted empire). I also expect it will hone my skills as a player. I've already played one or two matches as concentration and I had a really fun time with it. So I know I'm going to have difficulties ( especially considering the overall community attitude towards Marauder/Sentinels ). But I also know you need to play what makes you happy.
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I know it is currently probably the worst class to be playing as. Especially trying to level one. I was actually a founding subscriber ( my pc at the time couldn't handle the game that well) and I've always loved the class. My first character was actaully a Marauder, and it was kind of a pain to level ( pc problems didn't help). So I just really want to play one on the Republic side ( all my friends no longer play, they wanted empire). I also expect it will hone my skills as a player. I've already played one or two matches as concentration and I had a really fun time with it. So I know I'm going to have difficulties ( especially considering the overall community attitude towards Marauder/Sentinels ). But I also know you need to play what makes you happy.


Concentration is a good spec that is getting some nice buffs this coming Tuesday, so you might have a better time, but it's still not 100% perfect. Also, it's a late bloomer of a spec, you really have to be level 60 for it to truely shine.

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