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Any GSF streamers?


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NOTICE EDIT AT BOTTOM. I'm aware I made this thread prematurely, it seems there are at least a couple guys streaming.

Tomm @ http://www.twitch.tv/tomeateejedota

Drakolich @ http://www.twitch.tv/drakolich




Hey guys, I was wondering if anyone knows any popular streamers, doing GSF?


I used to chill on twitch and really like it, I was looking through the SWTOR channels and none of them were doing any flying, plenty of PvP, raiding, and plain old storyline questers, but no GSF.


I'd love the chance to watch the best pilots fly, and see what they do and how they do it, the things they look for, general play style etc.


It was super helpful with games like LOL and StarCraft to watch really good players actually play the game in real time. you can pick up all kinds of unknown unknowns to help you get better. I learned a lot just watching how they moved their mouse, where they kept their camera, what times are they looking around the map at other bases/lanes.


Any pilots streaming? Would any want to?




EDIT: Im an idiot. theres a thread half way down the page talking about streaming..... DERP. will be looking for that. :o

Edited by EyesOfRed
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Hi EyesOfRed I try to stream every night, I'm usually play between midnight and 3am EST.

I actually plan on streaming shortly I was gonna play some games and maybe make a few tutorials live again.


When I'm not streaming however all of my broadcasts are saved on twitch for 2 weeks after they air so you can always catch them on your own time.


I also have a youtube channel where I try to put the more interesting games for everyone to see, as well as the new tutorial section I started this week.


Links for both are in my signature.


What server are ya flying by the way?

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Yea! I apologize, I noticed after making the thread. :o


I'm flying on Jedi Covenant, on either side. Only really just started a week or so ago.


Djack - pub

Djane - imp


i'll have to stay up a little later and catch you on sometime. I very much look forward to it!

Edited by EyesOfRed
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