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Clawbird Squad guild event videos


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I thought i might share some of the videos i have made during our guild starfighter event. I do a guild event once a week on the Shadowlands server. we get up 20 guildies queuing for GSF at the same time.its a lot of fun even when we end up facing each other all the time. enjoy.






this one i used as one of my training videos too.


hope you liked them

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Hi Imgawna thanks for the videos!


Normally I'd ask if you wanted feedback on the videos but since you're using them as training videos, I'm just gonna go ahead and throw up some of the stuff I saw in your videos.


Your speed management seemed really spot on, using decelerate for corners speeding up when not boosting and even using the toggle function to turn faster in tight dogfights.

You seem to know where a lot of the Damage Overcharge power ups are off the start and head straight there, this is great keep that up through out the entire match to get some great damage boosts all game.


Sting/Flashfire gameplay


For component choices you definitely make some odd ones, the speed thrusters and dot on cluster missiles are very different from the norm but if it fits your play style that's cool. However you really should consider swapping to something other then hydrospanner it's really underpowered and only really helps in games where you are already winning, which isn't how you want to setup a ship.


-Power Management: At first I thought you were just making many many mistakes by not swapping power settings very often but in your very last video you actually explain that you think you should be in power to engines almost all the time and that is just plain wrong. Many times you are at full engine power and not boosting firing away your entire weapons energy bar because of this, swapping to power to weapons gives you 15% more Laser damage as well as 75% more weapon power regeneration.

You really should be swapping power a lot more then you currently are.

When using power to shields remember that once the extra 30% shields have expired being in power to shields no longer does anything until you start regenerating shields again, which for most shields (including the distortion fields you were using) takes 6 seconds of not taking damage. Once you lose that 30% you need to swap out of shields to something else to gain those free stats and then back again once you start regenerating if you really want the extra shield power to mean anything.


-Cooldowns: Your cooldowns especially blaster overcharge are really under used.

In your last video you talk about using retro's to get agressive and infact you should be using retros more for that aspect then the defensive missile break it offers, especially while you still have distortion available to break a missile.

As for blaster overcharge you really need to use that more and using retros to get more time on target will help you see more opportunities to do so.

Hydrospanner while not a great component should be used any moment your ship is no longer green. It heals for so little that any damage done to your hull is enough to use it.


-Targeting/Evasive flying: When you get shot by a Railgun you need to immediately use Distortion field to help dodge the next shot they are lining up on you. You also need to hit "R" which targets the last person that shot you to be able to figure out how far the Gunship is from you, so you know where to go to get out of line of sight or range.


-Surprising Gunship: You mention during your last video that you don't lock on missiles on Gunships right away so that you can surprise them. This is really is great advice however once you've started firing at them with lasers you start locking that missile. You do want to surprise them while they are sniping but you also don't want to give up too much of that burst damage the Sting is capable of.




Your components here seemed fine EMP is maybe not the most optimal system on the Novadive but it is still useful especially in domination where I'm assuming you only play this one. Hydrospanner again could be swapped for something more useful.


-Power Management: This ship suffered even more from your lack of power to weapons use as light lasers huge weapon draw made you burn your entire power pool way too fast.


-Cooldowns: Because you're using distortion field and EMP to help break missiles you can use many of your barrel roll cooldowns to help get to targets faster or to get from one satellite to the next quicker (this is especially useful on respawns as you get back to the action faster).

Your EMP ability really should be saved for use on the satellites only or as an additional missile break. Locking out system/shield abilities of opponents in a dogfight really isn't worth the huge 1 minute cooldown that EMP sports.





Your build on this one while different seems to have the theme of being able to bit back at any Scouts that try to deroost you. I still think you could drop hydrospanner on this ship as well, as wingman would give you a great offensive cooldown while you're just sitting out there pelting slugs at people.


-Aiming: This is perhaps one of your biggest issues on Gunship, you aren't zooming out in Railgun mode. Once you right click to enter the Railguns sniping mode pullback on your mouse scroll wheel to zoom out. This lets you track targets much easier. This will help you to center your shots to negate the Railguns awful tracking penalty you really don't ever want to shoot at the edge of your arc.


-Power Management: There isn't too much to say here other then you really need to swap to power to weapons a lot more, especially in situations where you have more then 1/2 your engine power still and are firing away with no one headed towards you.

The only other thing you should pay attention too is once out of a particular power pool you want to stop using it to let the full regeneration value kick in for a few seconds. (you never want to spam space bar when your engines are empty, or continute taking 1/2 shots while weapons are empty)


-Cooldowns: I found you used your cooldowns very well on this ship with only the 1 missile break you want to use retro's sparingly which is what you were doing.



I'm just going to add the power setting numbers here. That link is to a thread where the devs told us exactly what swapping power settings does in the game. (It's the third post on that page)



I hope that helps out your flying for you and your guild that is using these videos to learn from.


Thanks again for the videos Imgawna, if you have any questions or comments about anything I mentioned I look forward to hearing them. :)

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I do a guild event once a week on the Shadowlands server. we get up 20 guildies queuing for GSF at the same time.


Does your guild use voice chat for these events? Do you have a guild web site or Facebook page for coordinating these events?


Thanks for making your videos available. Also good to see how other people play GSF. Of course, given that I play a lot of Imperial on Shadowlands I was not keen on Drakolich giving you so many good tips! :D

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Does your guild use voice chat for these events? Do you have a guild web site or Facebook page for coordinating these events?


Thanks for making your videos available. Also good to see how other people play GSF. Of course, given that I play a lot of Imperial on Shadowlands I was not keen on Drakolich giving you so many good tips! :D


yes wee have a guild website exilesempire.enjin.com, and we have a mumble server as well.


Drako, thanks for the feedback. the videos are little old and some of my builds have changed. also i have gotten better at power management. but with the railgun and the not zooming in on targets, i use a rollerball and have no mouse wheel for zooming. and though i don't use clusters anymore i still like the DOT on them. it keeps most ships from recharging shields. also you dont have to look for blaster power ups as often.

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