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Watchman/Anni wishlist


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Hi all, just wanted to jot down some thoughts for up and coming Dotspec changes. Hopefully this might be of help now that we have assurance from the guys upstairs that changes are on the way. What if, just maybe, the community could unify its thoughts and present much needed changes for it to the devs?


To begin, I think it's fair to say our new DoT is one of least interesting additions to the class, along with any class in the game. From what I've seen roaming the forums, and correct me if I'm wrong, but it appears we collectively would like:


  • less dependence on Melt/Rend in the rotation
  • an alternative focus builder to leap
  • improved animation
  • reworked utilities


Personally, I'd like to see some sort of flaming hadouken that acts as a more powerful, ranged version of what Cauterize/Rupture currently is, then reverting the shorter DoT back to pre-3.0 state. Shorten the DoT timers if they must, but I would like to see some damage up front from Melt/Rend.


Additionally, what if Strike built 2 additional focus, but the class kept Charge's 0m min range? For rotation purposes Strike as an alternative to Leap is a light baseline dps buff, but it does nothing to further complicate the current rotation. Also, retaining the lack of min range on Leap grants us a bit more utility.


So, thoughts? I would personally like to see the Sent/Mara community consolidate its ideas while we have the devs' attention. Any feedback bar trolling is a win in my opinion.

Edited by Trogusaurus
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I feel like Force Rend/Force Melt should have a similar animation to Plasma Blade/Shatter on Juggernaut. I really hope the change in the timer for Force Rend and Rupture doesn't mess up the rotation too much because i was putting down good dps before.
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What Annihilation needs? Shatter instead of Force Rend, Leeching strike instead of Rupture.


What all Marauders need? Ravage on the move, dual wielding bonuses from Carnage and a good stun ability that you can cast instantly instead of the derpy choking.

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