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Pyre is Recruiting!


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<Pyre> is a laid back, Mumble loving, 18 and older adult guild looking for members to expand our ever growing community. We love to have fun and joke around with each other and talk about anything and everything. Our guild runs pick up operations fairly frequently but we're looking to increase that while doing any of the operations for fun including EV and KP still! There is nothing we won't do! We have 2 progression groups that run weekly and have a blast doing it. We offer full guild benefits, including a guild ship, xp boosts and people ready to answer questions and help if you ask along with people that are extremely passionate about Swtor and look forward to everything coming out in the future. We have a guild website http://pyre.guildlaunch.com/ Please feel free to check us out on there! If you like what you see, please feel free to contact PM Yagahonky, Boracrunch, or Amazar in game we will get you pointed in the right direction. So if you're looking for a good time, you know who to call.
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